Individual Development Plan (IDP) Annual Survey

UCLA BruinIndividual Development Plans (IDPs) provide a structure to identify career goals, milestones, and professional development needs followed by creation of a timeline for achieving career objectives. Students utilize a GPB-specific online IDP throughout all years of training to reflect on short term and long-term goals, and to provide a record of milestones as they progress through the program. Each student’s IDP is to be updated at least once annually and submitted electronically for review. Formal meetings with your PhD advisor(s) to review your IDP are an important opportunity to assess progress and plan future goals. Your PhD advisors are invaluable resources to help you propose and execute next steps to make you a better scientist. We highly recommend you create and discuss the IDP with your advisor(s) on an annual basis.

Goals of IDP

  • Empower the student to define career objectives and milestones to optimize success
  • Improve research productivity
  • Provide regular progress assessment
  • Facilitate communication with thesis advisor(s)