MCIP Faculty Semiar :: Ambre Bertholet, PhD

MCIP Faculty Semiar :: Ambre Bertholet, PhD

October 20, 2020

12:00pm – 1:00pm

The MCIP PhD program will have a MCIP Faculty Seminar next Tuesday, October 20th at noon.  The faculty member presenting is new MCIP faculty, Dr. Ambre Bertholet from the Department of Physiology in the David Geffen School of Medicine.  Dr. Bertholet will be a new Assistant Professor at UCLA beginning December 1st, 2020.  She will be accepting rotation students starting in Spring 2021.  Her research interests include: mitochondria, bioenergetics, biophysics, and electrophysiology.


Dr. Ambre Bertholet will be presenting: “Controlling Mitochondrial Thermogenesis to Combat Metabolic Syndrome”


Below find the Zoom meeting information:


Meeting ID: 910 0128 8523

Passcode: Email for Password

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