Physics & Biology in Medicine

The Physics & Biology in Medicine Home Area is an interdisciplinary program that seeks to develop research scientists with a broad skillset in biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering and computer science and who understand these disciplines as they relate to the treatment of diseases as well as the instruments and techniques that are involved. The research in this program is exceptionally diverse ranging from basic to translational; faculty and students in the program are typically engaged in topics that intersect traditional disciplines and are actively involved in defining new, cutting edge research endeavors. The program offers training in four overarching specialties that are distinct, but offer excellent opportunities for collaboration.

PBM encourages applications from students who are interested in:

a) Molecular and Cellular Oncology— Cancer Biology & Genetics; Stem Cell Research; Tumor Immunology; Radiation Biology; Cell Signaling
b) Molecular Imaging—the Imaging of the living chemistry of cells and tissues of the body
c) Medical Imaging—imaging anatomy, physiology and pathology using MR, CT and other modalities
d) Therapeutic Medical Physics—the physics of radiation therapy and novel planning or delivery methods

Home Area Director

Michael McNitt-Gray, Ph.D.

Affiliated Degree Program

Physics and Biology in Medicine IDP