As students in Graduate Programs in Bioscience, we encourage you to take advantage of available wellness resources and incident reporting mechanisms.  These address mental health, conflict management, academic progress, equity and inclusion, discrimination and harassment, financial wellness, mindfulness, and fitness.

Some of this information is available on the BruinSafe app, download from your app store.

For a comprehensive list of campus resources for graduate students see:

Mental Health Services and Crisis Intervention

Immediate Student Crisis Support

  • UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services – Crisis counselor: 24-hours daily
    • (310) 825-0768
  • Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center 24-hour Crisis Hotline
    • (310) 391-1253
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24-hour toll-free suicide prevention service:
    • Call or text 988 on any phone in the US

Behavioral Wellness Center (BWC)

  • One-on-one counseling and comprehensive behavioral health services
  • Short-term psychotherapy
  • Psychiatric consultation
  • Information about community-based services and resources
  • 12 Free Visits (Services are covered by insurance and co-pays have been waived)
  • For appointments, call (310) 562-4328 between 8am and 5pm or (310) 825-9605 after hours, or by email
  • Location: First floor of the UCLA Center for the Health Sciences (CHS 18-218)

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

  • One-on-one counseling and comprehensive behavioral health services
  • 24-hour emergency call line, (310) 825-0768
  • Non-UCLA Clinic psychiatrists & therapists
  • 6 Free Visits (no insurance or co-pay required)
  • ADHD Assessment, Support/Treatment Services, and Group Therapy
  • For appointments, call (310) 825-0768
  • Location: 221 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095

My Student Support Program (My SSP)

Students standing at bus stop

A service to support the emotional health and wellbeing of international students in different languages. 

Consultation and Response Team (CRT)

Report concerns about the health or safety of a student in distress
(310) 825-7291,

Behavioral Intervention Team

Report violent behavior or threats of harm from staff or faculty that affects the workplace

Addressing Issues and Challenges

There are several options to help addressing issues related to interactions with your faculty adviser, lab members, or other members of the UCLA community, as well as issues with research/academic progress.  Which of these is most appropriate will depend on the circumstances, but in general the order presented in recommended.  If you are not comfortable contacting anyone in your program, then you should reach out to one of the options indicated with open circles.  The graduate case managers are a great resource if you are not sure where to start.  While privacy is possible for each option, the degree of confidentiality will depend on the specific circumstances and should be discussed at the outset.  Only the Ombuds Office is strictly confidential.

GPB has a Conflict Resolution Policy for issues between a student and their dissertation adviser, and a policy for what is required if a faculty member wants to withdraw as dissertation adviser and have the student leave the research group (Policy on Faculty Advisor-initiated Student Withdrawal from Lab).  Both are available by request from your Home Area Director, Student Affairs Officer, or the GPB Director.

  • Faculty adviser
  • Home Area/PhD program Director
  • Home Area/PhD program SAO
  • Dissertation committee member
  • Alex Bui, GPB Director and Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, DGSOM and College Life Sciences,
  • Diana Azurdia, GPB Director of Mentoring and Inclusion,
  • Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Case Manager (see details below)
  • Ombuds Office (see details below)
  • Department Chair
  • Graduate Division Associate Dean
  • School/Division Dean
  • Graduate Student Resource Center (see details below)
  • Center for Accessible Education (see details below)

Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Case Managers

  • Assist students who are experiencing challenges that affect their well-being or academic life.  Case Managers are a great resource if you are not sure where to go for support for a particular issue.
    • Belen Estrella, Academic Case Manager, Graduate Division, (310) 794-5861 ext. 278
  • For international students:

UCLA Office of Ombuds Services (strictly confidential)

  • Place to go for assistance in resolving conflicts, disputes or complaints on an informal basis
  • For appointments call (310) 206-2427
  • Location: Strathmore Building Suite 105, 501 Westwood Plaza) Office hours 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday or by appointment

Graduate Student Resource Center

Center for Accessible Education

Students with Dependents

Equity and Inclusion

For issues about equity and inclusion, or if you are uncertain if you should report an incident, contact the GPB Director of Recruitment and Inclusion or the Equity Adviser of the unit your program is associate with.

Equity Advisers

Onyebuchi ArahGraduate Division
(310) 206-0050


David McIntosh, DGSOM
(310) 206-3217


Edmond Hewlett, Dentistry
(310) 825-7097

Harassment, Discrimination, or Retaliation

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

General information and resources about discrimination based on

  • race, ethnicity, ancestry, color;
  • sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation;
  • national origin, citizenship status;
  • religion;
  • disability, pregnancy, medical condition, genetic predisposition;
  • domestic partnership /  marital status;
  • age;
  • veteran status

Sexual/Gender Violence, Harassment, Discrimination or Retaliation

CARE Program

Confidential support for survivors of sexual violence

Title IX Office

General information and Resources

Report an incident 

ADA/504 Office

For general information related to disabilities
Report an incident:

For other issues: report an incident


Financial Wellness

UCLA Financial Wellness

Supports students to navigate their finances in a way that supports their overall well-being.

Economic Crisis Response Team

The Economic Crisis Response Team (ECR TEAM) provides support and guidance to students who have self-identified, or are identified by UCLA faculty or staff, as experiencing a financial crisis that impacts their academic success at UCLA.

  • Short Term Loans (more than Short-Term Loan Program)
  • Emergency Housing
  • Food Vouchers

Student Loan Services and Collections Short-Term Loan Program

(up to $200-$350)

UCLA Basic Needs Committee

Resources for basic food needs of UCLA students

Graduate Student Hardship Fund (Graduate Student Association)

Helps students with unforeseen expenses arising from a crisis

Student Legal Services

Provides low-cost confidential legal counseling and assistance regarding a wide range of legal issues to all currently registered and enrolled UCLA students. (310) 825-9894

GPB Emergency Short-Term Loan Program

Provides loans to students who have an immediate need for funds due to delayed disbursement of stipend or payroll salary.


UCLA Mindfulness Awareness Research Center (MARC)
6-week long mindfulness classes in a variety of locations around Los Angeles and online.  Lunchtime drop-in meditation in WW and SMH. 100s of recorded 30 minute mindfulness sessions on their website. Daylong retreats at the WW UCLA campus.


Lab Group Photo