Alan Garfinkel
1121 Terasaki
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Professor, Integrative Biology and Physiology, Medicine
Member, Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Physiology GPB Home Area, Neuroengineering Training Program
Faculty, Cardiovascular Research Laboratory
Member, Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Physiology GPB Home Area, Neuroengineering Training Program
Faculty, Cardiovascular Research Laboratory
Research Interests
Mathematical modeling of cellular and tissue electrophysiology. Analysis of data from experimental and clinical arrhythmias using techniques of nonlinear dynamics (“chaos theory”). Development of pharmacologic and electrophysiologic interventions to prevent or control arrhythmias. Pattern formation in biological systems.
Dr. Garfinkel graduated from Cornell and received his PhD from Harvard in philosophy and mathematics. He is particularly interested in nonlinear dynamics and its applications to medicine.
A selected list of publications:
Qu Zhilin, Xie Lai-Hua, Olcese Riccardo, Karagueuzian Hrayr S, Chen Peng-Sheng, Garfinkel Alan, Weiss James N Early afterdepolarizations in cardiac myocytes: beyond reduced repolarization reserve Cardiovascular research, 2013; 99(1): 6-15.
Chang Marvin G, de Lange Enno, Calmettes Guillaume, Garfinkel Alan, Qu Zhilin, Weiss James N Pro- and antiarrhythmic effects of ATP-sensitive potassium current activation on reentry during early afterdepolarization-mediated arrhythmias Heart rhythm : the official journal of the Heart Rhythm Society, 2013; 10(4): 575-82.
Nguyen Thao P, Xie Yuanfang, Garfinkel Alan, Qu Zhilin, Weiss James N Arrhythmogenic consequences of myofibroblast-myocyte coupling Cardiovascular research, 2012; 93(2): 242-51.
Chang Marvin G, Sato Daisuke, de Lange Enno, Lee Jong-Hwan, Karagueuzian Hrayr S, Garfinkel Alan, Weiss James N, Qu Zhilin Bi-stable wave propagation and early afterdepolarization-mediated cardiac arrhythmias Heart rhythm : the official journal of the Heart Rhythm Society, 2012; 9(1): 115-22.
Boström Kristina I, Garfinkel Alan, Yao Yucheng, Jumabay Medet Concise review: applying stem cell biology to vascular structures Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio), 2012; 30(3): 386-91.
Chen Ting-Hsuan, Zhu Xiaolu, Pan Leiting, Zeng Xingjuan, Garfinkel Alan, Tintut Yin, Demer Linda L, Zhao Xin, Ho Chih-Ming Directing tissue morphogenesis via self-assembly of vascular mesenchymal cells Biomaterials, 2012; 33(35): 9019-26.
Chang Marvin G, Chang Connie Y, de Lange Enno, Xu Linmiao, O’Rourke Brian, Karagueuzian Hrayr S, Tung Leslie, Marbán Eduardo, Garfinkel Alan, Weiss James N, Qu Zhilin, Abraham M Roselle Dynamics of early afterdepolarization-mediated triggered activity in cardiac monolayers Biophysical journal, 2012; 102(12): 2706-14.
Cheng Henry, Reddy Aneela, Sage Andrew, Lu Jinxiu, Garfinkel Alan, Tintut Yin, Demer Linda L Focal high cell density generates a gradient of patterns in self-organizing vascular mesenchymal cells Journal of vascular research, 2012; 49(5): 441-6.
Chen Ting-Hsuan, Hsu Jeffrey J, Zhao Xin, Guo Chunyan, Wong Margaret N, Huang Yi, Li Zongwei, Garfinkel Alan, Ho Chih-Ming, Tintut Yin, Demer Linda L Left-right symmetry breaking in tissue morphogenesis via cytoskeletal mechanics Circulation research, 2012; 110(4): 551-9.
Gahm Jin Kyu, Wisniewski Nicholas, Kindlmann Gordon, Kung Geoffrey L, Klug William S, Garfinkel Alan, Ennis Daniel B Linear invariant tensor interpolation applied to cardiac diffusion tensor MRI Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI … International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2012; 15(Pt 2): 494-501.
Chen Ting-Hsuan, Guo Chunyan, Zhao Xin, Yao Yucheng, Boström Kristina I, Wong Margaret N, Tintut Yin, Demer Linda L, Ho Chih-Ming, Garfinkel Alan Patterns of periodic holes created by increased cell motility Interface focus, 2012; 2(4): 457-64.
Madhvani Roshni V, Xie Yuanfang, Pantazis Antonios, Garfinkel Alan, Qu Zhilin, Weiss James N, Olcese Riccardo Shaping a new Ca²⺠conductance to suppress early afterdepolarizations in cardiac myocytes The Journal of physiology, 2011; 589(Pt 24): 6081-92.
Xie, F Qu, Z Yang, J Baher, A Weiss, JN Garfinkel, A A simulation study of the effects of cardiac anatomy in ventricular fibrillation The Journal of clinical investigation. , 2004; 113(5): 686-93.
Garfinkel, A. Tintut, Y. Petrasek, D. Bostrom, K. Demer, L. L. Pattern formation by vascular mesenchymal cells Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2004; 101(25): 9247-50.
Garfinkel, A Kim, YH Voroshilovsky, O Qu, Z Kil, JR Lee, MH Karagueuzian, HS Weiss, JN Chen, PS Preventing ventricular fibrillation by flattening cardiac restitution Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. , 2000; 97(11): 6061-6.
S. Port, L. Demer, R. Jennrich, D. Walter and A. Garfinkel Systolic blood pressure and mortality, The Lancet , 2000; 355: 175-80.
Qu, Z Weiss, JN Garfinkel, A Cardiac electrical restitution properties and stability of reentrant spiral waves: a simulation study The American journal of physiology. , 1999; 276(1 Pt 2): H269-83.
Z. Qu, F. Xie, and A. Garfinkel Diffusion-induced vortex filament instability in 3-Dimensional excitable media, Phys. Rev. Lett , 1999; 2668-2671.
Krogstad, P Uittenbogaart, CH Dickover, R Bryson, YJ Plaeger, S Garfinkel, A Primary HIV infection of infants: the effects of somatic growth on lymphocyte and virus dynamics Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.) , 1999; 92(1): 25-33.
Garfinkel, A Chen, PS Walter, DO Karagueuzian, HS Kogan, B Evans, SJ Karpoukhin, M Hwang, C Uchida, T Gotoh, M Nwasokwa, O Sager, P Weiss, JN Quasiperiodicity and chaos in cardiac fibrillation The Journal of clinical investigation. , 1997; 99(2): 305-14.
Garfinkel, A Spano, ML Ditto, WL Weiss, JN Controlling cardiac chaos Science. , 1992; 257(5074): 1230-5.