Anthony G Christodoulou

Assistant Professor, Radiological Sciences, University of California Los Angeles

Anthony Christodoulou, Ph.D. is faculty in Radiology, Bioengineering, and Physics & Medicine in Biology at UCLA. Previously, he was Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences and the Director of Magnetic Resonance Technology Innovations for the Biomedical Imaging Research Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Prof. Christodoulou’s research laboratory develops and translates novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques through innovations in MR physics, machine learning, and image reconstruction. His group’s primary research focus is on multidimensional quantitative imaging methods for the diagnosis, risk prediction, and treatment monitoring of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Dr. Christodoulou is an Executive Board member of the SMRA, a Fellow of the SCMR, and a member of the ISMRM, IEEE, and AHA.


Magnetic resonance imaging

Education and Training

University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignPh.D.2015Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Southern CaliforniaM.S.2009Electrical Engineering
University of Southern CaliforniaB.S.2008Electrical Engineering

Awards and Honors

  • Fellow, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR), 2022.
  • ECE Distinguished Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009-2012.
  • Early Career Award Finalist (Translational), Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR), 2017.
  • Best Paper Award, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), 2011.
  • E. James Potchen Award for Best Oral Presentation, Society for Magnetic Resonance Angiography (SMRA), 2016.
  • Clinical Seed Grant Winner, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR), 2018.
  • Predoctoral Fellowship, American Heart Association (AHA), 2011-2012.


  1. Chen J, Christodoulou AG, Han P, Xiao J, Han F, Hu Z, Wang N, Han H, Ling DC, Chang EL, Feng M, Scholey JE, Cui S, Li D, Yang W, Fan Z. Abdominal MR Multitasking for radiotherapy treatment planning: A motion-resolved and multicontrast 3D imaging approach.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2024.
  2. Zhao Z, Lee HL, Ruan D, Ming Z, Han F, Bedayat A, Christodoulou AG, Finn JP, Nguyen KL. Ferumoxytol-Enhanced 5D Multiphase Steady-State Imaging Using Rotating Cartesian K-Space With Low-Rank Reconstruction for Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2024.
  3. Isodono K, Matsumoto H, Li D, Slomka PJ, Dey D, Cadet S, Irie D, Higuchi S, Tanisawa H, Nakazawa M, Komori Y, Ohya H, Kitamura R, Hondera T, Sato I, Lee HL, Christodoulou AG, Xie Y, Shinke T. Coronary Plaque Characterization with T1-weighted MRI and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Predict Periprocedural Myocardial Injury.. Radiology. Cardiothoracic imaging, 2024.
  4. Wu YL, Christodoulou AG, Beumer JH, Rigatti LH, Fisher R, Ross M, Watkins S, Cortes DRE, Ruck C, Manzoor S, Wyman SK, Stapleton MC, Goetzman E, Bharathi S, Wipf P, Wang H, Tan T, Christner SM, Guo J, Lo CWY, Epperly MW, Greenberger JS. Mitigation of Fetal Radiation Injury from Mid-Gestation Total-body Irradiation by Maternal Administration of Mitochondrial-Targeted GS-Nitroxide JP4-039.. Radiation research, 2024.
  5. Qiu S, Wang L, Sati P, Christodoulou AG, Xie Y, Li D. Physics-guided self-supervised learning for retrospective T1 and T2 mapping from conventional weighted brain MRI: Technical developments and initial validation in glioblastoma.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2024.
  6. Cortes DRE, Stapleton MC, Schwab KE, West D, Coulson NW, O'Donnell MG, Christodoulou AG, Powers RW, Wu YL. Modeling normal mouse uterine contraction and placental perfusion with non-invasive longitudinal dynamic contrast enhancement MRI.. PloS one, 2024.
  7. Cao T, Hu Z, Mao X, Chen Z, Kwan AC, Xie Y, Berman DS, Li D, Christodoulou AG. Alternating low-rank tensor reconstruction for improved multiparametric mapping with cardiovascular MR Multitasking.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2024.
  8. Ming Z, Pogosyan A, Christodoulou AG, Finn JP, Ruan D, Nguyen KL. Dynamic Regularized Adaptive Cluster Optimization (DRACO) for Quantitative Cardiac Cine MRI in Complex Arrhythmias.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2024.
  9. Nakazawa M, Matsumoto H, Li D, Slomka PJ, Dey D, Cadet S, Isodono K, Irie D, Higuchi S, Tanisawa H, Ohya H, Kitamura R, Komori Y, Hondera T, Sato I, Lee HL, Christodoulou AG, Xie Y, Shinke T. Rapid three-dimensional quantification of high-intensity plaques from coronary atherosclerosis T1-weighted characterization to predict periprocedural myocardial injury.. Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 2024.
  10. Christodoulou AG, Cruz G, Arami A, Weingärtner S, Artico J, Peters D, Seiberlich N. The future of cardiovascular magnetic resonance: All-in-one vs. real-time (Part 1).. Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 2024.
  11. Ming Z, Pogosyan A, Gao C, Colbert CM, Wu HH, Finn JP, Ruan D, Hu P, Christodoulou AG, Nguyen KL. ECG-free cine MRI with data-driven clustering of cardiac motion for quantification of ventricular function.. NMR in biomedicine, 2024.
  12. Guan X, Yang HJ, Zhang X, Wang N, Han H, Tang R, Hu Z, Youssef K, Vora K, Krishnam MS, Christodoulou AG, Li D, Sharif B, Dharmakumar R. Non-electrocardiogram-gated, free-breathing, off-resonance reduced, high-resolution, whole-heart myocardial T2 * mapping at 3 T within 5 min.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2024.
  13. Sun H, Wang L, Daskivich T, Qiu S, Han F, D'Agnolo A, Saouaf R, Christodoulou AG, Kim H, Li D, Xie Y. Retrospective T2 quantification from conventional weighted MRI of the prostate based on deep learning.. Frontiers in radiology, 2023.
  14. Sheagren CD, Cao T, Patel JH, Chen Z, Lee HL, Wang N, Christodoulou AG, Wright GA. Motion-compensated T1 mapping in cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging: a technical review.. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 2023.
  15. Wu C, Wang N, Gaddam S, Wang L, Han H, Sung K, Christodoulou AG, Xie Y, Pandol S, Li D. Retrospective quantification of clinical abdominal DCE-MRI using pharmacokinetics-informed deep learning: a proof-of-concept study.. Frontiers in radiology, 2023.
  16. Chen Z, Stapleton MC, Xie Y, Li D, Wu YL, Christodoulou AG. Physics-informed deep learning for T2-deblurred superresolution turbo spin echo MRI.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2023.
  17. Radjenovic A, Christodoulou AG. Editorial: Simultaneous multiparametric and multidimensional cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging.. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 2023.
  18. Qiu S, Ma S, Wang L, Chen Y, Fan Z, Moser FG, Maya M, Sati P, Sicotte NL, Christodoulou AG, Xie Y, Li D. Direct synthesis of multi-contrast brain MR images from MR multitasking spatial factors using deep learning.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2023.
  19. Wang N, Gaddam S, Xie Y, Christodoulou AG, Wu C, Ma S, Fan Z, Wang L, Lo S, Hendifar AE, Pandol SJ, Li D. Multitasking dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging can accurately differentiate chronic pancreatitis from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.. Frontiers in oncology, 2023.
  20. Christodoulou AG. Editorial for "Assessing Tissue Hydration Dynamics Based on Water/Fat Separated MRI".. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2022.
  21. Hu Z, Xiao J, Mao X, Xie Y, Kwan AC, Song SS, Fong MW, Wilcox AG, Li D, Christodoulou AG, Fan Z. MR Multitasking-based multi-dimensional assessment of cardiovascular system (MT-MACS) with extended spatial coverage and water-fat separation.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2022.
  22. Deng Z, Qureshi, TA, Javed S, Wang L, Christodoulou AG, Xie Y, Gaddam S, Pandol SJ, and Li D . FedRNN: Federated learning with RNN-based aggregation on pancreas segmentation. Int Conf Med Image Comput Aided Diagn, 2022.
  23. Christodoulou AG. Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction: Theory, Methods, and Applications. eds. Akcakaya M, Doneva M, Prieto C. Low-Rank Matrix and Tensor–Based Reconstruction, 2022.
  24. Han P, Cheema K, Cao T, Lee HL, Han F, Wang N, Han H, Xie Y, Christodoulou AG, Li D. Free-breathing 3D CEST MRI of human liver at 3.0 T.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2022.
  25. Hu Z, Christodoulou AG, Wang N, Xie Y, Shiroishi MS, Yang W, Zada G, Chow FE, Margol AS, Tamrazi B, Chang EL, Li D, Fan Z. MR multitasking-based dynamic imaging for cerebrovascular evaluation (MT-DICE): Simultaneous quantification of permeability and leakage-insensitive perfusion by dynamic T1/T2* mapping.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2022.
  26. Han P, Chen J, Xiao J, Han F, Hu Z, Yang W, Cao M, Ling DC, Li D, Christodoulou AG, Fan Z. Single projection driven real-time multi-contrast (SPIDERM) MR imaging using pre-learned spatial subspace and linear transformation.. Physics in medicine and biology, 2022.
  27. Cao T, Wang N, Kwan AC, Lee HL, Mao X, Xie Y, Nguyen KL, Colbert CM, Han F, Han P, Han H, Christodoulou AG, Li D. Free-breathing, non-ECG, simultaneous myocardial T1 , T2 , T2 *, and fat-fraction mapping with motion-resolved cardiovascular MR multitasking.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2022.
  28. McIlvain G, Cerjanic AM, Christodoulou AG, McGarry MDJ, Johnson CL. OSCILLATE: A low-rank approach for accelerated magnetic resonance elastography.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2022.
  29. Wang L, Zhou Z, Gaddam S, Wang N, Xie Y, Deng Z, Fan Z, Christodoulou AG, Han F, Lo SK, Wachsman AM, Hendifar AE, Jiang T, Pandol SJ, Li D. Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Evaluation.. Pancreas, 2022.
  30. Chen Z, Chen Y, Xie Y, Li D, Christodoulou AG. Data-Consistent non-Cartesian deep subspace learning for efficient dynamic MR image reconstruction.. Proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2022.
  31. Mao X, Lee HL, Hu Z, Cao T, Han F, Ma S, Serry FM, Fan Z, Xie Y, Li D, Christodoulou AG. Simultaneous Multi-Slice Cardiac MR Multitasking for Motion-Resolved, Non-ECG, Free-Breathing T1-T2 Mapping.. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 2022.
  32. Sato S, Matsumoto H, Li D, Ohya H, Mori H, Sakai K, Ogura K, Oishi Y, Masaki R, Tanaka H, Kondo S, Tsujita H, Tsukamoto S, Isodono K, Kitamura R, Komori Y, Yoshii N, Sato I, Christodoulou AG, Xie Y, Shinke T. Coronary High-Intensity Plaques at T1-weighted MRI in Stable Coronary Artery Disease: Comparison with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Intravascular US.. Radiology, 2021.
  33. Han P, Cheema K, Lee HL, Zhou Z, Cao T, Ma S, Wang N, Han H, Christodoulou AG, Li D. Whole-brain steady-state CEST at 3 T using MR Multitasking.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2021.
  34. Cao T, Ma S, Wang N, Gharabaghi S, Xie Y, Fan Z, Hogg E, Wu C, Han F, Tagliati M, Haacke EM, Christodoulou AG, Li D. Three-dimensional simultaneous brain mapping of T1, T2, T2∗ and magnetic susceptibility with MR Multitasking.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2021.
  35. Wang N, Cao T, Han F, Xie Y, Zhong X, Ma S, Kwan A, Fan Z, Han H, Bi X, Noureddin M, Deshpande V, Christodoulou AG, Li D. Free-breathing multitasking multi-echo MRI for whole-liver water-specific T1 , proton density fat fraction, and R2∗ quantification.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2021.
  36. Ma S, Wang N, Xie Y, Fan Z, Li D, Christodoulou AG. Motion-robust quantitative multiparametric brain MRI with motion-resolved MR multitasking.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2021.
  37. Qiu S, Chen Y, Ma S, Fan Z, Moser FG, Maya MM, Christodoulou AG, Xie Y, Li D. Multiparametric mapping in the brain from conventional contrast-weighted images using deep learning.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2021.
  38. Serry FM, Ma S, Mao X, Han F, Xie Y, Han H, Li D, Christodoulou AG. Dual flip-angle IR-FLASH with spin history mapping for B1+ corrected T1 mapping: Application to T1 cardiovascular magnetic resonance multitasking.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2021.
  39. Han P, Zhang R, Wagner S, Xie Y, Cingolani E, Marban E, Christodoulou AG, Li D. Electrocardiogram-less, free-breathing myocardial extracellular volume fraction mapping in small animals at high heart rates using motion-resolved cardiovascular magnetic reesonance multitasking: a feasibility study in a heart failure with preserved ejection fraction rat model.. Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 2021.
  40. Wang N, Xie Y, Fan Z, Ma S, Saouaf R, Guo Y, Shiao SL, Christodoulou AG, Li D. Five-dimensional quantitative low-dose Multitasking dynamic contrast- enhanced MRI: Preliminary study on breast cancer.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2021.
  41. Nguyen CT, Christodoulou AG, Coll-Font J, Ma S, Xie Y, Reese TG, Mekkaoui C, Lewis GD, Bi X, Sosnovik DE, Li D. Free-breathing diffusion tensor MRI of the whole left ventricle using second-order motion compensation and multitasking respiratory motion correction.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2020.
  42. Ma S, Wang N, Fan Z, Kaisey M, Sicotte NL, Christodoulou AG, Li D. Three-dimensional whole-brain simultaneous T1, T2, and T1ρ quantification using MR Multitasking: Method and initial clinical experience in tissue characterization of multiple sclerosis.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2020.
  43. Hu Z, Christodoulou AG, Wang N, Shaw JL, Song SS, Maya MM, Ishimori ML, Forbess LJ, Xiao J, Bi X, Han F, Li D, Fan Z. Magnetic resonance multitasking for multidimensional assessment of cardiovascular system: Development and feasibility study on the thoracic aorta.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2020.
  44. Wang L, Gaddam S, Wang N, Xie Y, Deng Z, Zhou Z, Fan Z, Jiang T, Christodoulou AG, Han F, Lo SK, Wachsman AM, Hendifar AE, Pandol SJ, Li D. Multiparametric Mapping Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Pancreatic Disease.. Frontiers in physiology, 2020.
  45. Wang N, Gaddam S, Wang L, Xie Y, Fan Z, Yang W, Tuli R, Lo S, Hendifar A, Pandol S, Christodoulou AG, Li D. Six-dimensional quantitative DCE MR Multitasking of the entire abdomen: Method and application to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2020.
  46. Christodoulou AG, Lingala SG. Accelerated dynamic magnetic resonance imaging using learned representations: A new frontier in biomedical imaging. IEEE Signal Process Mag, 2020.
  47. Ma S, Nguyen CT, Han F, Wang N, Deng Z, Binesh N, Moser FG, Christodoulou AG, Li D. Three-dimensional simultaneous brain T1 , T2 , and ADC mapping with MR Multitasking.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2019.
  48. Chen Y, Shaw JL, Xie Y, Li D, Christodoulou AG. Deep learning within a priori temporal feature spaces for large-scale dynamic MR image reconstruction: Application to 5-D cardiac MR Multitasking.. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2019.
  49. Shaw JL, Yang Q, Zhou Z, Deng Z, Nguyen C, Li D, Christodoulou AG. Free-breathing, non-ECG, continuous myocardial T1 mapping with cardiovascular magnetic resonance multitasking.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2018.
  50. Wang N, Christodoulou AG, Xie Y, Wang Z, Deng Z, Zhou B, Lee S, Fan Z, Chang H, Yu W, Li D. Quantitative 3D dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MR imaging of carotid vessel wall by fast T1 mapping using Multitasking.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2018.
  51. Chen Y, Shi F, Christodoulou AG, Xie Y, Zhou Z, Li D. Efficient and accurate MRI super-resolution using a Generative Adversarial Network and 3D Multi-Level Densely Connected Network. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv, 2018.
  52. Zhou Z, Han P, Zhou B, Christodoulou AG, Shaw JL, Deng Z, Li D. Chemical exchange saturation transfer fingerprinting for exchange rate quantification.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2018.
  53. Christodoulou AG, Shaw JL, Nguyen C, Yang Q, Xie Y, Wang N, Li D. Magnetic resonance multitasking for motion-resolved quantitative cardiovascular imaging.. Nature biomedical engineering, 2018.
  54. Chen Y, Xie Y, Zhou Z, Shi F, Christodoulou AG, Li D. Brain MRI super resolution using 3D Deep Densely Connected Neural Networks. Proc IEEE Int Symp Biomed Imaging, 2018.
  55. Ma S, Nguyen CT, Christodoulou AG, Luthringer D, Kobashigawa J, Lee SE, Chang HJ, Li D. Accelerated Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging Using Joint Low-Rank and Sparsity Constraints.. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering, 2017.
  56. Christodoulou AG, Redler G, Clifford B, Liang ZP, Halpern HJ, Epel B. Fast dynamic electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) oxygen imaging using low-rank tensors.. Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997), 2016.
  57. He J, Liu Q, Christodoulou AG, Ma C, Lam F, Liang ZP. Accelerated High-Dimensional MR Imaging With Sparse Sampling Using Low-Rank Tensors.. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 2016.
  58. Christodoulou AG. A subspace approach to accelerated cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging. A subspace approach to accelerated cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging, 2015.
  59. Christodoulou AG, Hitchens TK, Wu YL, Ho C, Liang ZP. Improved subspace estimation for low-rank model-based accelerated cardiac imaging.. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering, 2014.
  60. Christodoulou AG, Kellman P, Liang, Z-P. Accelerating cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging: Signal processing meets nuclear spins. IEEE Signal Process Mag, 2014.
  61. Christodoulou AG, Wu YL, Hitchens TK, Ho C, Liang ZP. Self-navigated low-rank MRI for MPIO-labeled immune cell imaging of the heart.. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference, 2014.
  62. Huang H, Christodoulou AG, Sun W. Super-resolution hyperspectral imaging with unknown blurring by low-rank and group-sparse modeling. Proc Int Conf Image Proc, 2014.
  63. Christodoulou AG, Zhang H, Zhao B, Hitchens TK, Ho C, Liang ZP. High-resolution cardiovascular MRI by integrating parallel imaging with low-rank and sparse modeling.. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering, 2013.
  64. Christodoulou AG, Bauer TE, Kiehl KA, Feldstein Ewing SW, Bryan AD, Calhoun VD. A quality control method for detecting and suppressing uncorrected residual motion in fMRI studies.. Magnetic resonance imaging, 2013.
  65. Christodoulou AG, Babacan SD, Liang ZP. ACCELERATING CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING BY EXPLOITING REGIONAL LOW-RANK STRUCTURE VIA GROUP SPARSITY.. Proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2012.
  66. Xie G, Feng X, Christodoulou AG, Weng D, Liu X, Qiu B. High resolution dynamic cardiac MRI using partial separability of spatiotemporal signals with a novel sampling scheme.. Magnetic resonance imaging, 2012.
  67. Zhao B, Haldar JP, Christodoulou AG, Liang ZP. Image reconstruction from highly undersampled (k, t)-space data with joint partial separability and sparsity constraints.. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 2012.
  68. Zhao B, Haldar JP, Christodoulou AG, Liang Z-P. Further development of image reconstruction from highly undersampled (k, t)-space data with joint partial separability and sparsity constraints. Proc IEEE Int Symp Biomed Imaging, 2011.
  69. Christodoulou AG, Zhao B, Zhang H, Ho C, Liang ZP. Four-dimensional MR cardiovascular imaging: method and applications.. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference, 2011.
  70. Christodoulou AG, Zhao B, Liang ZP. REGULARIZED IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION FOR PS MODEL-BASED CARDIOVASCULAR MRI.. Proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2011.
  71. Christodoulou AG, Brinegar C, Haldar JP, Zhang H, Wu YJ, Foley LM, Hitchens T, Ye Q, Ho C, Liang ZP. High-resolution cardiac MRI using partially separable functions and weighted spatial smoothness regularization.. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference, 2010.