Arash Naeim

Professor-in-Residence, Medicine, University of California Los Angeles


Informatics, Cost-Effectiveness, Clinical Trials, Breast Cancer, Oncology, Wearable Technology (Smartwatches), Remote Monitoring, COVID, Big Data, Virtual Reality, Precision Medicine, Outcomes Research, Geriatrics

Education and Training

RAND Graduate SchoolPhD2002
RAND InstituteDoctoral Fellow1998-02
University of California, Los AngelesFellow1998-02Hematology-Oncology
University of California, Los AngelesFellow1998-02Subspecialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) Program
University of California, Los AngelesFellow1997-98Geriatrics
University of California, Los AngelesResident1995-7Internal Medicine
University of California, Los AngelesMD1995Medicine
University of California, Los AngelesBS1990

Awards and Honors

  • STOP CANCER ICON Award, 2013.
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology Young Investigator Award, 2002-2005.
  • Pathology Resident Awards, Finalist, American Society of Clinical Pathology/College of American Pathology, 1993.
  • Resident Research Award, LA Society of Pathologists, 1993.
  • Chancellor's Marshall Award, 1990.
  • Kully Pan-Pacific Award, 1990.
  • Irving and Jean Stone Research Award, 1988.


  1. Baxter-King R, Naeim A, Huang TQ, Sepucha K, Stanton A, Rudkin A, Ryu R, Sabacan L, Vavreck L, Esserman L, Stover Fiscalini A, Wenger NS. Relationship Between Perceived COVID-19 Risk and Change in Perceived Breast Cancer Risk: Prospective Observational Study.. JMIR cancer, 2024.
  2. Cao M, Ramezani R, Katakwar VK, Zhang W, Boda D, Wani M, Naeim A. Developing remote patient monitoring infrastructure using commercially available cloud platforms.. Frontiers in digital health, 2024.
  3. Riddle L, James JE, Naeim A, Madlensky L, Brain S, DeRosa D, Eklund M, Fiscalini AS, Heditsian D, Koenig B, Ross K, Sabacan LP, Tong B, Wenger N, Joseph G. Receiving a Pathogenic Variant in a Population Breast Cancer Screening Trial: A Mixed Method Study.. Public health genomics, 2024.
  4. Mizutani T, Cheung KL, Hakobyan Y, Lane H, Decoster L, Karnakis T, Puts M, Calderon O, Jørgensen TL, Boulahssass R, Wedding U, Karampeazis A, Chan WWL, Banerjee J, Falci C, van Leeuwen BL, Fonseca V, Gironés Sarrió R, Vetter M, Dougoud V, Naeim A, Ashman J, Musolino N, Kanesvaran R. Leave no one behind: A global survey of the current state of geriatric oncology practice by SIOG national representatives.. Journal of geriatric oncology, 2024.
  5. Sepucha K, Rudkin A, Baxter-King R, Stanton AL, Wenger N, Vavreck L, Naeim A. Perceptions of COVID-19 Risk: How Did People Adapt to the Novel Risk?. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 2024.
  6. Leggat-Barr K, Ryu R, Hogarth M, Stover-Fiscalini A, Veer LV', Park HL, Lewis T, Thompson C, Borowsky A, Hiatt RA, LaCroix A, Parker B, Madlensky L, Naeim A, Esserman L. Early Ascertainment of Breast Cancer Diagnoses Comparing Self-Reported Questionnaires and Electronic Health Record Data Warehouse: The WISDOM Study.. JCO clinical cancer informatics, 2023.
  7. Ramezani R, Cao M, Earthperson A, Naeim A. Developing a Smartwatch-Based Healthcare Application: Notes to Consider.. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 2023.
  8. Guerin RJ, Naeim A, Baxter-King R, Okun AH, Holliday D, Vavreck L. Erratum to "Parental intentions to vaccinate children against COVID-19: Findings from a U.S. National Survey" [Vaccine 41(1) (2023) 101-108.. Vaccine, 2023.
  9. Shoham S, Bloch EM, Casadevall A, Hanley D, Lau B, Gebo K, Cachay E, Kassaye SG, Paxton JH, Gerber J, Levine AC, Naeim A, Currier J, Patel B, Allen ES, Anjan S, Appel L, Baksh S, Blair PW, Bowen A, Broderick P, Caputo CA, Cluzet V, Cordisco ME, Cruser D, Ehrhardt S, Forthal D, Fukuta Y, Gawad AL, Gniadek T, Hammel J, Huaman MA, Jabs DA, Jedlicka A, Karlen N, Klein S, Laeyendecker O, Lane K, McBee N, Meisenberg B, Merlo C, Mosnaim G, Park HS, Pekosz A, Petrini J, Rausch W, Shade DM, Shapiro JR, Singleton JR, Sutcliffe C, Thomas DL, Yarava A, Zand M, Zenilman JM, Tobian AAR, Sullivan DJ. Transfusing Convalescent Plasma as Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Infection: A Double-Blinded, Phase 2 Randomized, Controlled Trial.. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 2023.
  10. Paige JS, Lee CI, Wang PC, Hsu W, Brentnall AR, Hoyt AC, Naeim A, Elmore JG. Variability Among Breast Cancer Risk Classification Models When Applied at the Level of the Individual Woman.. Journal of general internal medicine, 2023.
  11. Bednarski BP, Singh AD, Zhang W, Jones WM, Naeim A, Ramezani R. Temporal convolutional networks and data rebalancing for clinical length of stay and mortality prediction.. Scientific reports, 2022.
  12. Guerin RJ, Naeim A, Baxter-King R, Okun AH, Holliday D, Vavreck L. Parental intentions to vaccinate children against COVID-19: Findings from a U.S. National Survey.. Vaccine, 2022.
  13. Hsu W, Hippe DS, Nakhaei N, Wang PC, Zhu B, Siu N, Ahsen ME, Lotter W, Sorensen AG, Naeim A, Buist DSM, Schaffter T, Guinney J, Elmore JG, Lee CI. External Validation of an Ensemble Model for Automated Mammography Interpretation by Artificial Intelligence.. JAMA network open, 2022.
  14. Naeim A, Guerin RJ, Baxter-King R, Okun AH, Wenger N, Sepucha K, Stanton AL, Rudkin A, Holliday D, Rossell Hayes A, Vavreck L. Strategies to increase the intention to get vaccinated against COVID-19: Findings from a nationally representative survey of US adults, October 2020 to October 2021.. Vaccine, 2022.
  15. Hendrix N, Lowry KP, Elmore JG, Lotter W, Sorensen G, Hsu W, Liao GJ, Parsian S, Kolb S, Naeim A, Lee CI. Radiologist Preferences for Artificial Intelligence-Based Decision Support During Screening Mammography Interpretation.. Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR, 2022.
  16. Ramezani R, Zhang W, Roberts P, Shen J, Elashoff D, Xie Z, Stanton A, Eslami M, Wenger NS, Trent J, Petruse A, Weldon A, Ascencio A, Sarrafzadeh M, Naeim A. Physical Activity Behavior of Patients at a Skilled Nursing Facility: Longitudinal Cohort Study.. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2022.
  17. Baxter-King R, Brown JR, Enos RD, Naeim A, Vavreck L. How local partisan context conditions prosocial behaviors: Mask wearing during COVID-19.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022.
  18. MacDonald JJ, Baxter-King R, Vavreck L, Naeim A, Wenger N, Sepucha K, Stanton AL. Depressive Symptoms and Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Large, Longitudinal, Cross-sectional Survey.. JMIR mental health, 2022.
  19. Kroloff M, Ramezani R, Wilhalme H, Naeim A. Remote Monitoring of Patients With Hematologic Malignancies at High Risk of Febrile Neutropenia: Exploratory Study.. JMIR formative research, 2022.
  20. Wenger NS, Stanton AL, Baxter-King R, Sepucha K, Vavreck L, Naeim A. The Impact of COVID-19 on Routine Medical Care and Cancer Screening.. Journal of general internal medicine, 2022.
  21. Lajonchere C, Naeim A, Dry S, Wenger N, Elashoff D, Vangala S, Petruse A, Ariannejad M, Magyar C, Johansen L, Werre G, Kroloff M, Geschwind D. An Integrated, Scalable, Electronic Video Consent Process to Power Precision Health Research: Large, Population-Based, Cohort Implementation and Scalability Study.. Journal of medical Internet research, 2021.
  22. Yang B, Fulcher JA, Ahn J, Berro M, Goodman-Meza D, Dhody K, Sacha JB, Naeim A, Yang OO. Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients Who Received Compassionate-Use Leronlimab.. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 2021.
  23. Naeim A, Dry S, Elashoff D, Xie Z, Petruse A, Magyar C, Johansen L, Werre G, Lajonchere C, Wenger N. Correction: Electronic Video Consent to Power Precision Health Research: A Pilot Cohort Study.. JMIR formative research, 2021.
  24. Esserman L, Eklund M, Veer LV, Shieh Y, Tice J, Ziv E, Blanco A, Kaplan C, Hiatt R, Fiscalini AS, Yau C, Scheuner M, Naeim A, Wenger N, Lee V, Heditsian D, Brain S, Parker BA, LaCroix AZ, Madlensky L, Hogarth M, Borowsky A, Anton-Culver H, Kaster A, Olopade OI, Sheth D, Garcia A, Lancaster R, Plaza M. The WISDOM study: a new approach to screening can and should be tested.. Breast cancer research and treatment, 2021.
  25. Naeim A, Dry S, Elashoff D, Xie Z, Petruse A, Magyar C, Johansen L, Werre G, Lajonchere C, Wenger N. Electronic Video Consent to Power Precision Health Research: A Pilot Cohort Study.. JMIR formative research, 2021.
  26. Huilgol YS, Keane H, Shieh Y, Hiatt RA, Tice JA, Madlensky L, Sabacan L, Fiscalini AS, Ziv E, Acerbi I, Che M, Anton-Culver H, Borowsky AD, Hunt S, Naeim A, Parker BA, van 't Veer LJ, Athena Breast Health Network Investigators and Advocate Partners, Esserman LJ. Elevated risk thresholds predict endocrine risk-reducing medication use in the Athena screening registry.. NPJ breast cancer, 2021.
  27. Naeim A, Baxter-King R, Wenger N, Stanton AL, Sepucha K, Vavreck L. Effects of Age, Gender, Health Status, and Political Party on COVID-19-Related Concerns and Prevention Behaviors: Results of a Large, Longitudinal Cross-sectional Survey.. JMIR public health and surveillance, 2021.
  28. Ford DE, Johnson A, Nichols JJ, Rothwell E, Dubinett S, Naeim A. Challenges and lessons learned for institutional review board procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic.. Journal of clinical and translational science, 2021.
  29. Selker HP, Welch LC, Patchen-Fowler E, Breeze JL, Terrin N, Parajulee A, LeClair A, Naeim A, Marnocha R, Morelli Novak J, Caldwell CS, Cola PA, Croker JA, Cifu DX, Williams KM, Snyder DC, Kitterman D. Scientific Review Committees as part of institutional review of human participant research: Initial implementation at institutions with Clinical and Translational Science Awards.. Journal of clinical and translational science, 2020.
  30. Xie Z, Wenger N, Stanton AL, Sepucha K, Kaplan C, Madlensky L, Elashoff D, Trent J, Petruse A, Johansen L, Layton T, Naeim A. Risk estimation, anxiety, and breast cancer worry in women at risk for breast cancer: A single-arm trial of personalized risk communication.. Psycho-oncology, 2019.
  31. Gupta R, Roh L, Lee C, Reuben D, Naeim A, Wilson J, Skootsky SA. The Population Health Value Framework: Creating Value by Reducing Costs of Care for Patient Subpopulations With Chronic Conditions.. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 2019.
  32. Ramezani R, Zhang W, Xie Z, Shen J, Elashoff D, Roberts P, Stanton A, Eslami M, Wenger N, Sarrafzadeh M, Naeim A. A Combination of Indoor Localization and Wearable Sensor-Based Physical Activity Recognition to Assess Older Patients Undergoing Subacute Rehabilitation: Baseline Study Results.. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2019.
  33. Silver E, Wenger N, Xie Z, Elashoff D, Lee K, Madlensky L, Trent J, Petruse A, Johansen L, Naeim A. Implementing a Population-Based Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Program.. Clinical breast cancer, 2019.
  34. Petousis P, Naeim A, Mosleh A, Hsu W. Evaluating the Impact of Uncertainty on Risk Prediction: Towards More Robust Prediction Models.. AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium, 2018.
  35. Hsu W, Zhou X, Petruse A, Chau N, Lee-Felker S, Hoyt A, Wenger N, Elashoff D, Naeim A. Role of Clinical and Imaging Risk Factors in Predicting Breast Cancer Diagnosis Among BI-RADS 4 Cases.. Clinical breast cancer, 2018.
  36. Rottenberg Y, Naeim A, Uziely B, Peretz T, Jacobs JM. Breast cancer among older women: The influence of age and cancer stage on survival.. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, 2018.
  37. Shen J, Naeim A. Telehealth in older adults with cancer in the United States: The emerging use of wearable sensors.. Journal of geriatric oncology, 2017.
  38. Maggiore RJ, Dale W, Hurria A, Klepin HD, Chapman A, Dotan E, Mohile SG, Naeim A, Gajra A, Buss MK. Hematology-Oncology Fellows' Training in Geriatrics and Geriatric Oncology: Findings From an American Society of Clinical Oncology-Sponsored National Survey.. Journal of oncology practice, 2017.
  39. Ganz T, Jung G, Naeim A, Ginzburg Y, Pakbaz Z, Walter PB, Kautz L, Nemeth E. Immunoassay for human serum erythroferrone.. Blood, 2017.
  40. Ramsdale EE, Csik V, Chapman AE, Naeim A, Canin B. Improving Quality and Value of Cancer Care for Older Adults.. American Society of Clinical Oncology educational book. American Society of Clinical Oncology. Annual Meeting, 2017.
  41. Mortazavi B, Nemati E, VanderWall K, Flores-Rodriguez HG, Cai JY, Lucier J, Naeim A, Sarrafzadeh M. Can smartwatches replace smartphones for posture tracking?. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 2015.
  42. Nguyen KL, Alrezk R, Mansourian PG, Naeim A, Rettig MB, Lee CC. The Crossroads of Geriatric Cardiology and Cardio-Oncology.. Current geriatrics reports, 2015.
  43. Black WC, Gareen IF, Soneji SS, Sicks JD, Keeler EB, Aberle DR, Naeim A, Church TR, Silvestri GA, Gorelick J, Gatsonis C, National Lung Screening Trial Research Team. Cost-effectiveness of CT screening in the National Lung Screening Trial.. The New England journal of medicine, 2014.
  44. Naeim A, Aapro M, Subbarao R, Balducci L. Supportive care considerations for older adults with cancer.. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2014.
  45. Min L, Reuben D, Karlamangla A, Naeim A, Prenovost K, Lee P, Wenger N. Abbreviated care-process quality indicator sets linked with survival and functional status benefit in older adults under ambulatory care.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2014.
  46. Ward P, Hecht JR, Wang HJ, Dichmann R, Liem AK, Chan D, Patel R, Hu EH, Tchekmedyian NS, Wainberg ZA, Naeim A. Physical function and quality of life in frail and/or elderly patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with capecitabine and bevacizumab: an exploratory analysis.. Journal of geriatric oncology, 2014.
  47. Johnson P, Bancroft T, Barron R, Legg J, Li X, Watson H, Naeim A, Watkins A, Marshall DA. Discrete choice experiment to estimate breast cancer patients' preferences and willingness to pay for prophylactic granulocyte colony-stimulating factors.. Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 2014.
  48. Izano M, Satariano WA, Tammemagi MC, Ragland D, Moore DH, Allen E, Naeim A, Sehl ME, Hiatt RA, Kerlikowske K, Sofrygin O, Braithwaite D. Long-term outcomes among African-American and white women with breast cancer: what is the impact of comorbidity?. Journal of geriatric oncology, 2014.
  49. Lewis S, Bloom J, Rice J, Naeim A, Shortell S. Using teams to implement personalized health care across a multi-site breast cancer network.. Advances in health care management, 2014.
  50. Ward PR, Wong MD, Moore R, Naeim A. Fall-related injuries in elderly cancer patients treated with neurotoxic chemotherapy: a retrospective cohort study.. Journal of geriatric oncology, 2013.
  51. Elson SL, Hiatt RA, Anton-Culver H, Howell LP, Naeim A, Parker BA, Van't Veer LJ, Hogarth M, Pierce JP, Duwors RJ, Hajopoulos K, Esserman LJ, Athena Breast Health Network. The Athena Breast Health Network: developing a rapid learning system in breast cancer prevention, screening, treatment, and care.. Breast cancer research and treatment, 2013.
  52. Naeim A, Ward PR, Wang HJ, Dichmann R, Liem AK, Chan D, Patel R, Hu EH, Tchekmedyian NS, Wainberg ZA, Hecht JR. A phase II trial of frontline capecitabine and bevacizumab in poor performance status and/or elderly patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.. Journal of geriatric oncology, 2013.
  53. Naeim A, Henk HJ, Becker L, Chia V, Badre S, Li X, Deeter R. Pegfilgrastim prophylaxis is associated with a lower risk of hospitalization of cancer patients than filgrastim prophylaxis: a retrospective United States claims analysis of granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSF).. BMC cancer, 2013.
  54. Lee CI, Bassett LW, Leng M, Maliski SL, Pezeshki BB, Wells CJ, Mangione CM, Naeim A. Patients' willingness to participate in a breast cancer biobank at screening mammogram.. Breast cancer research and treatment, 2012.
  55. Lee CI, Naeim A. Health disparities from future genetic research efforts: breast cancer as a case study.. Journal of the National Medical Association, 2012.
  56. Cohen MJ, Naeim A. Osteoporosis, fractures, and risk of falls.. Oncology (Williston Park, N.Y.), 2010.
  57. Corrao NJ, Robinson AG, Swiernik MA, Naeim A. Importance of testing for usability when selecting and implementing an electronic health or medical record system.. Journal of oncology practice, 2010.
  58. Naeim A, Wong FL, Pal SK, Hurria A. Oncologists' recommendations for adjuvant therapy in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer patients of varying age and health status.. Clinical breast cancer, 2010.
  59. Droz JP, Balducci L, Bolla M, Emberton M, Fitzpatrick JM, Joniau S, Kattan MW, Monfardini S, Moul JW, Naeim A, van Poppel H, Saad F, Sternberg CN. Management of prostate cancer in older men: recommendations of a working group of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology.. BJU international, 2010.
  60. Droz JP, Balducci L, Bolla M, Emberton M, Fitzpatrick JM, Joniau S, Kattan MW, Monfardini S, Moul JW, Naeim A, van Poppel H, Saad F, Sternberg CN. Background for the proposal of SIOG guidelines for the management of prostate cancer in senior adults.. Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 2010.
  61. Naeim A, Cohen MJ. Chemotherapy in the elderly: further considerations.. Oncology (Williston Park, N.Y.), 2010.
  62. Hurria A, Wong FL, Pal S, Chung CT, Bhatia S, Mortimer J, Somlo G, Hurvitz S, Villaluna D, Naeim A. Perspectives and attitudes on the use of adjuvant chemotherapy and trastuzumab in older adults with HER-2+ breast cancer: a survey of oncologists.. The oncologist, 2009.
  63. Naeim A, Friedman L, Whitlock KB, Pasta DJ, Elkin EP, Lubeck DP, Viswanathan HN, Glaspy J. Patterns of care in community-based oncology practices for anemia associated with myelosuppressive chemotherapy.. Journal of oncology practice, 2009.
  64. Amalraj S, Starkweather C, Nguyen C, Naeim A. Health literacy, communication, and treatment decision-making in older cancer patients.. Oncology (Williston Park, N.Y.), 2009.
  65. Lorenz KA, Dy SM, Naeim A, Walling AM, Sanati H, Smith P, Shanman R, Roth CP, Asch SM. Quality measures for supportive cancer care: the Cancer Quality-ASSIST Project.. Journal of pain and symptom management, 2009.
  66. Naeim A, Keeler E, Bassett LW, Parikh J, Bastani R, Reuben DB. Cost-effectiveness of increasing access to mammography through mobile mammography for older women.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2008.
  67. Sehl ME, Satariano WA, Ragland DR, Reuben DB, Naeim A. Attribution of functional limitation to cancer decreases in the year following breast cancer diagnosis in older patients.. Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 2008.
  68. Hurria A, Wong FL, Villaluna D, Bhatia S, Chung CT, Mortimer J, Hurvitz S, Naeim A. Role of age and health in treatment recommendations for older adults with breast cancer: the perspective of oncologists and primary care providers.. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2008.
  69. Dy SM, Lorenz KA, Naeim A, Sanati H, Walling A, Asch SM. Evidence-based recommendations for cancer fatigue, anorexia, depression, and dyspnea.. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2008.
  70. Naeim A, Dy SM, Lorenz KA, Sanati H, Walling A, Asch SM. Evidence-based recommendations for cancer nausea and vomiting.. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2008.
  71. Walling A, Lorenz KA, Dy SM, Naeim A, Sanati H, Asch SM, Wenger NS. Evidence-based recommendations for information and care planning in cancer care.. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2008.
  72. Dy SM, Asch SM, Naeim A, Sanati H, Walling A, Lorenz KA. Evidence-based standards for cancer pain management.. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2008.
  73. Hurria A, Balducci L, Naeim A, Gross C, Mohile S, Klepin H, Tew W, Downey L, Gajra A, Owusu C, Sanati H, Suh T, Figlin R. Mentoring junior faculty in geriatric oncology: report from the Cancer and Aging Research Group.. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2008.
  74. Naeim A, Sawhney R, MacLean CH, Sanati H. Quality indicators for the care of breast cancer in vulnerable elders.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2007.
  75. Hurria A, Naeim A, Elkin E, Limaye S, Grover A, Hudis C, Pearce C, Robson M. Adjuvant treatment recommendations in older women with breast cancer: a survey of oncologists.. Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 2006.
  76. Naeim A, Keeler EB, Gutierrez PR, Wilson MR, Reuben D, Mangione CM. Is cataract surgery cost-effective among older patients with a low predicted probability for improvement in reported visual functioning?. Medical care, 2006.
  77. Naeim A, Keeler EB, Reuben D. Perceived causes of disability added prognostic value beyond medical conditions and functional status.. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 2006.
  78. Naeim A, Hurria A, Leake B, Maly RC. Do age and ethnicity predict breast cancer treatment received? A cross-sectional urban population based study. Breast cancer treatment: age and ethnicity.. Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 2006.
  79. Naeim A, Keeler EB. Is adjuvant therapy for older patients with node (+) early breast cancer cost-effective?. Breast cancer research and treatment, 2005.
  80. Sawhney R, Sehl M, Naeim A. Physiologic aspects of aging: impact on cancer management and decision making, part I.. Cancer journal (Sudbury, Mass.), 2005.
  81. Sehl M, Sawhney R, Naeim A. Physiologic aspects of aging: impact on cancer management and decision making, part II.. Cancer journal (Sudbury, Mass.), 2005.
  82. Naeim A, Keeler EB, Mangione CM. Options for handling missing data in the Health Utilities Index Mark 3.. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 2005.
  83. Naeim A, Keeler EB. Is adjuvant therapy for older patients with node (-) early breast cancer cost-effective?. Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 2005.
  84. Reuben DB, Naeim A. Perspectives, preferences, care practices, and outcomes in late-stage cancer patients: connecting the dots.. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2004.