Bahram Jalali
(310) 825-9655
Department of Electrical Engineering
Box 951594
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Fax Number:
(310) 206-2239
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Professor, Electrical Engineering
Member, California NanoSystems Institute, Medical Informatics GPB Home Area
Prof. Jalali is the Northrop-Grumman Optoelectronics Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering at UCLA with joint appointments in the Biomedical Engineering Department, California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) and the UCLA School of Medicine Department of Surgery. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics at Columbia University in 1989 and was with Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey until 2002 before coming to UCLA. He is a Fellow of IEEE, the Optical Society of America (OSA), and the American Physical Society (APS). He is the recipient of the R.W. Wood Prize from Optical Society of America for the invention and demonstration of the first Silicon Laser. In 2005 he was elected into the Scientific American Top 50. He has published over 300 papers and holds 9 patents.
A selected list of publications:
- Keisuke Goda, Ali Ayazi, Daniel R. Gossett, Jagannath Sadasivama, Cejo K. Lonappan, Elodie Sollier, Ali M. Fard, Soojung Claire Hur, Jost Adam, Coleman Murray, Chao Wang, Nora Brackbill, Dino Di Carlo, and Bahram Jalali High-throughput single-microparticle imaging flow analyzer PNAS, 2012; 1-6.
- Koonath P, Solli DR, Jalali B Broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering in silicon Opt Lett, 2010; 35(3): 351-3.
- Tsia KK, Goda K, Capewell D, Jalali B Performance of serial time-encoded amplified microscope Opt Express, 2010; 18(10): 10016-28.
- Borlaug D, Rice RR, Jalali B Raman beam cleanup in silicon in the mid-infrared Opt Express. 2010 Jun 7;18(12):12411-4, 2010; 18(12): 12411-4.
- Jalali, B. Solli, D. R. Gupta, S. Silicon’s time lens Nature Photonics, 2009; 3(1): 8-10.
- Tsia KK, Goda K, Capewell D, Jalali B Simultaneous mechanical-scan-free confocal microscopy and laser microsurgery Opt Lett, 2009; 34(14): 2099-101.
- Dimitropoulos D, Jalali B Stochastic differential equation approach for waves in a random medium Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, 2009; 79(3 pt. 2): .
- Ballato, J. Hawkins, T. Foy, P. Yazgan-Kokuoz, B. Stolen, R. McMillen, C. Hon, N. K. Jalali, B. Rice, R. Glass-clad single-crystal germanium optical fiber Optics Express, 2009; 17(10): 8029-8035.
- Goda, K. Tsia, K. K. Jalali, B. Serial time-encoded amplified imaging for real-time observation of fast dynamic phenomena Nature, 2009; 458(7242): 1145-U80.
- Chou, J. Rose, T. S. Conway, J. A. Valley, G. C. Jalali, B. Time-gated filter for sideband suppression Optics Letters, 2009; 34(7): 869-871.
- Hon, N. K. Tsia, K. K. Solli, D. R. Jalali, B. Periodically poled silicon Applied Physics Letters, 2009; 94(9): -.
- Gupta, S. Jalali, B. Time stretch enhanced recording oscilloscope Applied Physics Letters, 2009; 94(4): -.
- Solli, D. R. Ropers, C. Jalali, B. Active control of rogue waves for stimulated supercontinuum generation Phys Rev Lett, 2008; 101(23): 233902.
- Gupta, S. Jalali, B. Time-warp correction and calibration in photonic time-stretch analog-to-digital converter Opt Lett, 2008; 33(22): 2674-6.
- Tsia, K. K. Fathpour, S. Jalali, B. Electrical control of parametric processes in silicon waveguides Opt Express, 2008; 16(13): 9838-43.
- Ayazi A, Hsu RC, Houshmand B, Steier WH, Jalali B All-dielectric photonic-assisted wireless receiver Opt Express. 2008 Feb 4;16(3):1742-7, 2008; 16(3): 1742-7.
- D.R. Solli, J. Chou, and B. Jalali Amplified wavelength-time transformation for real-time spectroscopy Nature Photonics, 2008; 2: 48-51.
- Solli, D. R. Ropers, C. Koonath, P. Jalali, B. Optical rogue waves Nature, 2007; 450(7172): 1054-7.
- B. Jalali A cooler Raman laser Nature Photonics, 2007; 1: 691-92.
- Raghunathan V, Borlaug D, Rice RR, Jalali B Demonstration of a Mid-infrared silicon Raman amplifier Opt Express, 2007; 15(22): 14355-62.
- J. Chou, O. Boyraz, D. Solli, and B. Jalali Femtosecond real-time single-shot digitizer Applied Physics Letters, 2007; 91(16): 161105-07.
- Koonath P, Jalali B Multilayer 3-D photonics in silicon Opt Express, 2007; 15(20): 12686-91.
- Raghunathan V, Renner H, Rice RR, Jalali B Self-imaging silicon Raman amplifier Opt Express, 2007; 15(6): 3396-408.
- B. Jalali Teaching silicon new tricks Nature Photonics, 2007; 1(4): 193-195.
- B. Jalali Making Silicon Lase Scientific American, 2007; 58-65.
- A. Tarighat, R. Hsu, A. Sayed, B. Jalali Digital Signal Processing Removes Laser Phase Noise from Received Data, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2006; 24(3): 1269-1276 .
- K. K. Tsia, S. Fathpour, B. Jalali Energy Harvesting in Silicon Raman Amplifiers Group IV Photonics Conference, 2006; 89(6): .
- Fathpour S, Jalali B Energy harvesting in silicon optical modulators Opt Express, 2006; 14(22): 10795-9.
- Tsia KK, Fathpour S, Jalali B Energy harvesting in silicon wavelength converters Opt Express, 2006; 14(25): 12327-33.
- T. Indukuri, P. Koonath, B. Jalali Photonics: Silicon Goes Underground, Applied Physics Letters, 2006; 88(12): 121108 .
- B. Jalali Silicon Lasers, APS News, 2006; 15(3): 5.
- V. Raghunathan, O. Boyraz, and B. Jalali 20dB On-off Raman amplification in silicon waveguides CLEO , 2005; .
- A. Shah and B. Jalali. Adaptive equalisation for broadband predistortion linearization of optical transmitters IEEE Proceedings Optoelectronics, 2005; 152(1): 16-32.
- J. Chou, O. Boyraz, and B. Jalali Adaptive optical post distortion linearization Optics Express, 2005; 13(15): 5711-18.
- J. Basak and B. Jalali. Adaptive post-distortion for photodetector linearization, GOMAC, 2005; Paper #11.2: .
- D. Dimitripoulos, R. Jhaveri, R. Claps, J. C. S. Woo and B. Jalali Carrier Lifetime in Silicon Raman Laser, Applied Physics Letters, 2005; 86: .
- B. Jalali, C.J. Hsu, and A. Shah Coherent optical MIMO SPIE Defense and Security Symposium on “Enabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security, and Aerospace Applications”, 2005; 5814: 121-7.
- A. Shah, C.J. Hsu, and B. Jalali Coherent optical multiple-input multiple-output communication, Contemporary Photonics Conference (CPT 2005), , 2005; pp. 31-2.
- Y. Han and B. Jalali Continuous-time time-stretched analog-to-digital converter array implemented using virtual time gating Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 2005; 52(8): 1502-07.
- Boyraz O, Jalali B Demonstration of directly modulated silicon Raman laser Opt Express, 2005; 13(3): 796-800.
- O. Boyraz and B. Jalali Demonstration of pulsed silicon Raman laser NSTI Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTech2005), , 2005; 3: 324-326.
- O. Boyraz and B. Jalali Direct electronic modulation of Silicon Raman Laser demonstrated, Optics Express, 2005; 13(3): 796-800.
- V. Raghunathan, R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, and B. Jalali Dispersion properties of scaled silicon waveguides CLEO/Europe-EQEC, , 2005; .
- D. Dimitropoulos, S. Fathpour, and B. Jalali Fundamental Limits of Si Raman Laser in the Near Infrared Identified, Applied Physics Letters, 2005; 87: 261108.
- B. Jalali and S. Fathpour Have silicon lasers come of age? Photonics Spectra, 2005; 39(11): 62-67.
- A. Shah, C.J. Hsu, and B. Jalali. ISI equalization for a coherent optical MIMO (COMIMO) system CLEO 2005, 2005; .
- B. Jalali, S. Fathpour, O. Boyraz, D. Dimitropulos, and V. Raghunathan Light generation in silicon, JSAP-MicroOptics Conference, , 2005; (E1, ): pp. 1-4.
- B. Jalali, O. Boyraz, P. Koonath, V. Raghunathan, D. Dimitropoulos, and T. Indukuri Nonlinear optical devices in silicon LEOS Annual Meeting, , 2005; pp. 561-62,.
- Y. Han, O. Boyraz, and B. Jalali One tera sample-per-second single-shot digitizer American Physical Society Conference (APS 2005), 15E (Abstract), Los Angeles, CA, 2005; .
- Y. Han and B. Jalali One tera-sample/sec real-time transient digitizer Proceedings of the Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (IMTC), , 2005; 1: 507-509.
- B. Jalali, O. Boyraz, P. Koonath, V. Raghunathan, T. Indukuri, and D. Dimitropoulos Optical continuum generation on a silicon chip SPIE Int’l Symposium on Optics & Photonics, 2005; 5931: 197-205.
- V. Raghunathan, R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, and B. Jalali Parametric Raman wavelength conversion in scaled silicon waveguides Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2005; 23(6): 2094-2102.
- J. Basak and B. Jalali Photodetector linearization using adaptive electronic post-distortion Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), , 2005; .
- Claps R, Raghunathan V, Boyraz O, Koonath P, Dimitropoulos D, Jalali B Raman amplification and lasing in SiGe waveguides Opt Express, 2005; 13(7): 2459-66.
- L. Sirleto, M. Ferrara, L. Moretti, I. Rendina, A. Rossi, E. Santamato, and B. Jalali Raman emission in porous silicon at 1.5 micron: A possible approach Proceedings of WFOPC, IEEE/LEOS Workshop on Fiber and Optical Passive Components, , 2005; 103-108.
- B. Jalali, O. Boyraz, D. Dimitropoulos, V. Raghunathan, and R. Claps Raman-based silicon photonics: Technology and applications, Conference on Optical Microsystems, , 2005; 74.
- Jason Chou, Yan Han, and Bahram Jalali Real time chemical detection using time-wavelength spectroscopy technique IMS Workshop on Measurement Systems for Homeland Security, 2005; ( March): 77-80.
- I. Poberezhskiy, B. Bortnik, J. Chou, B. Jalali, and H. Fetterman Serrodyne frequency translation of continuous optical signals using ultra-wideband electrical sawtooth waveforms, Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2005; 41(12): 1533-39.
- B. Jalali, O. Boyraz, D. Dimitropoulos, and V. Raghunathan Si Raman laser Integrated Photonics and Research and Applications Conference (IPRA), #1TuC1, 2005; .
- B. Jalali, O. Boyraz, D. Dimitropoulos, V. Raghunathan, R. Claps, and P. Koonath Silicon Raman amplifiers, lasers, and their applications Group IV Photonics Conference, , 2005; pp. 42-44.
- B. Jalali, O. Boyraz, D. Dimitropoulos, and V. Raghunathan Silicon Raman laser, amplifier, and wavelength converter, Microtechnologies for the New Millennium (Photonic Materials, Devices, and Applications), , 2005; 5840: pp. 16-28.
- O. Boyraz, V. Raghunathan, D. Dimitropoulos, P. Koonath, T. Indukuri, and B. Jalali Silicon and GeSi Raman lasers and amplifiers LEOS Annual Meeting, , 2005; 666-67.
- B. Jalali, O. Boyraz, D. Dimitropoulos, and V. Raghunathan Silicon and silicon-germanium Raman laser, OSA Annual Meeting, , 2005; .
- L. Sirleto, M.A. Ferrara, L. Moretti, I. Rendina, A. Rossi, E. Santamato, and B. Jalali Spontaneous Raman emission and tunable stokes shift in porous silicon Group IV Photonics Conference,, 2005; 81-83.
- Y. Han, O. Boyraz, and B. Jalali Tera-sample-per-second real-time waveform digitizer Applied Physics Letters, 2005; 87(241116): 1-3.
- Y. Han, O. Boyraz, and B. Jalali Ultra-wideband signal detection using photonic signal preprocessing LEOS Summer Topicals, 2005; MC1.3, : .
- Y. Han, O. Boyraz, and B. Jalali Ultrawide-band photonic time-stretch A/D converter employing photonic phase diversity Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2005; 53(4): 1404-08.
- P. Koonath, T. Indukuri, and B. Jalali Vertically-coupled cascaded microdisk resonators in silicon, JSAP MicroOptics Conference, D3, 2005; .
- O. Boyraz and B. Jalali Electronically switched silicon Raman lasers CLEO/Europe-EQEC, CB7-4, 2005; .
- R. Claps, V. Raghunathan, O. Boyraz, P. Koonath, D. Dimitripoulos and B. Jalali First SiGe optical amplifier and laser demonstrated, Optics Express, 2005; 13(7): 2459-2466.
- Bahram Jalali Terasample per second Digitizer demonstrated, Electronic News, 2005; .
- Y. Han, O. Boyraz, and B. Jalali 480 GSample/s time stretch transient digitizer Lightwave Technologies in Instrumentation & Measurement, 2004; 49-53.
- Boyraz O, Koonath P, Raghunathan V, Jalali B All optical switching and continuum generation in silicon waveguides Opt Express, 2004; 12(17): 4094-102.
- R. Hsu, A. Shah and B. Jalali Coherent Optical MIMO demonstrated IEICE Electron Express, 2004; 1(13): 392-297.
- C.J. Hsu, A. Shah, and B. Jalali Coherent optical multiple-input multiple-output communication over multimode fiber, Int’l Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP 2004), 2004; 5-7.
- O. Boyraz and B. Jalali Demonstration of 11 dB fiber-to-fiber gain in a silicon Raman amplifier IEICE Electronics Express, 2004; 1(14): 429-34.
- O. Boyraz and B. Jalali Demonstration of a silicon Raman laser Optics Express, 2004; 12(21): 5269-73.
- O. Boyraz and B. Jalali First Silicon Laser demonstrated, Optics Express, 2004; 12(21): 5269-5273 .
- I. Poberezhskiy, B. Bortnik, J. Chou, B. Jalali, and H. Fetterman GHz-range serrodyne frequency shifting of continuous optical signals LEOS 2004, , 2004; 278-9, .
- O. Boyraz, D. Dimitropoulos, and B. Jalali Observation of simultaneous Stokes and anti-Stokes emission in a silicon Raman laser IEICE Electronics Express, 2004; 1(14): 435-41.
- B. Jalali, O. Boyraz, Y. Han, and A. Nuruzzaman Phase diversity and continuous-time operation in time stretch A/D converter LEOS, 2004; 1: 268-9.
- Y. Han, O. Boyraz, and B. Jalali Real-time A/D conversion at 480 GsSample/s using the phase-diversity photonic time-stretch system, Int’l Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP 2004), TC-2, 2004; (October): 186-9.
- J. Chou, I. Poberezhskiy, B. Bortnik, H. Fetterman, and B. Jalali Ultra-wideband continuous sawtooth generation using RF-photonic technique Lightwave Technologies in Instrumentation & Measurement, , 2004; pp. 141-3.
- Dimitropoulos, D. Houshmand, B. Claps, R. Jalali, B. Coupled-mode theory of the Raman effect in silicon-on-insulator waveguides Opt Lett, 2003; 28(20): 1954-6.
- R. Sadhwani, J. Basak, and B. Jalali. Adaptive electronic linearization of fiber optic links Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2003), 2003; 2: 477-479.
- Y. Han and B. Jalali Photonic time-stretched analog-to-digital converter: Fundamental concepts and practical considerations Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2003; 21(12): 3085-3103.