Barbara Knowlton
Professor, Psychology, University of California Los Angeles
- Franco CY, Serobyan J, Avetisyan O, Knowlton BJ. Early life racial/ethnic discrimination effects on behavioral control and health outcomes in young adults.. Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.), 2025.
- Murphy DH, Hoover KM, Castel AD, Knowlton BJ. Memory and automatic processing of valuable information in younger and older adults.. Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition, 2024.
- Hennessee JP, Schorn JM, Walsh C, Castel AD, Knowlton BJ. Goal-directed remembering in older adults.. Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition, 2023.
- Maoz SLL, Stangl M, Topalovic U, Batista D, Hiller S, Aghajan ZM, Knowlton B, Stern J, Langevin JP, Fried I, Eliashiv D, Suthana N. Dynamic neural representations of memory and space during human ambulatory navigation.. Nature communications, 2023.
- Franco CY, Knowlton BJ. Effects of early-life stress on probabilistic reversal learning and response perseverance in young adults.. Neurobiology of learning and memory, 2023.
- Murphy DH, Castel AD, Knowlton BJ. Age-Related Differences in Framing Selective Memory in Terms of Gains and Losses.. Experimental aging research, 2023.
- Han LT, Cohen MS, He LK, Green LM, Knowlton BJ, Castel AD, Rissman J. Establishing a causal role for left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex in value-directed memory encoding with high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation.. Neuropsychologia, 2023.
- Patterson TK, Nuechterlein KH, Subotnik KL, Castel AD, Knowlton BJ. Value-directed remembering in first-episode schizophrenia.. Neuropsychology, 2022.
- Murphy DH, Knowlton BJ. Framing effects in value-directed remembering.. Memory & cognition, 2022.
- Knowlton BJ, Castel AD. Memory and Reward-Based Learning: A Value-Directed Remembering Perspective.. Annual review of psychology, 2021.
- Schorn JM, Knowlton BJ. Interleaved practice benefits implicit sequence learning and transfer.. Memory & cognition, 2021.
- Mankin EA, Aghajan ZM, Schuette P, Tran ME, Tchemodanov N, Titiz A, Kalender G, Eliashiv D, Stern J, Weiss SA, Kirsch D, Knowlton B, Fried I, Suthana N. Stimulation of the right entorhinal white matter enhances visual memory encoding in humans.. Brain stimulation, 2020.
- Fourquet NY, Patterson TK, Li C, Castel AD, Knowlton BJ. Effects of Age-Related Stereotype Threat on Metacognition.. Frontiers in psychology, 2020.
- Gordon AL, Patterson TK, Knowlton BJ. Early-life stress is associated with a preponderance of habitual responding in a novel instrumental avoidance learning paradigm.. Neurobiology of learning and memory, 2020.
- Patterson TK, Craske MG, Knowlton BJ. Enhanced Avoidance Habits in Relation to History of Early-Life Stress.. Frontiers in psychology, 2019.
- Hennessee JP, Reggente N, Cohen MS, Rissman J, Castel AD, Knowlton BJ. White matter integrity in brain structures supporting semantic processing is associated with value-directed remembering in older adults.. Neuropsychologia, 2019.
- Clayson PE, Kern RS, Nuechterlein KH, Knowlton BJ, Bearden CE, Cannon TD, Fiske AP, Ghermezi L, Hayata JN, Hellemann GS, Horan WP, Kee K, Lee J, Subotnik KL, Sugar CA, Ventura J, Yee CM, Green MF. Social vs. non-social measures of learning potential for predicting community functioning across phase of illness in schizophrenia.. Schizophrenia research, 2018.
- Lin CJ, Yang HC, Knowlton BJ, Wu AD, Iacoboni M, Ye YL, Huang SL, Chiang MC. Contextual interference enhances motor learning through increased resting brain connectivity during memory consolidation.. NeuroImage, 2018.
- Reggente N, Cohen MS, Zheng ZS, Castel AD, Knowlton BJ, Rissman J. Memory Recall for High Reward Value Items Correlates With Individual Differences in White Matter Pathways Associated With Reward Processing and Fronto-Temporal Communication.. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2018.
- Perugini A, Ditterich J, Shaikh AG, Knowlton BJ, Basso MA. Paradoxical Decision-Making: A Framework for Understanding Cognition in Parkinson's Disease.. Trends in neurosciences, 2018.
- Lee J, Nuechterlein KH, Knowlton BJ, Bearden CE, Cannon TD, Fiske AP, Ghermezi L, Hayata JN, Hellemann GS, Horan WP, Kee K, Kern RS, Subotnik KL, Sugar CA, Ventura J, Yee CM, Green MF. Episodic Memory for Dynamic Social Interaction Across Phase of Illness in Schizophrenia.. Schizophrenia bulletin, 2018.
- Hennessee JP, Knowlton BJ, Castel AD. The effects of value on context-item associative memory in younger and older adults.. Psychology and aging, 2018.
- Knowlton BJ, Patterson TK. Habit Formation and the Striatum.. Current topics in behavioral neurosciences, 2018.
- Cohen MS, Rissman J, Hovhannisyan M, Castel AD, Knowlton BJ. Free recall test experience potentiates strategy-driven effects of value on memory.. Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 2017.
- Hennessee JP, Castel AD, Knowlton BJ. Recognizing What Matters: Value Improves Recognition by Selectively Enhancing Recollection.. Journal of memory and language, 2017.
- Shimizu RE, Wu AD, Samra JK, Knowlton BJ. The impact of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on learning fine-motor sequences.. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 2017.
- Knowlton BJ. Introduction to the special section on new ideas about cerebellar function.. Behavioral neuroscience, 2016.
- Waltzman D, Knowlton BJ, Cohen JR, Bookheimer SY, Bilder RM, Asarnow RF. DTI microstructural abnormalities in adolescent siblings of patients with childhood-onset schizophrenia.. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging, 2016.
- Shimizu RE, Wu AD, Knowlton BJ. Cerebellar activation during motor sequence learning is associated with subsequent transfer to new sequences.. Behavioral neuroscience, 2016.
- McCleery A, Lee J, Fiske AP, Ghermezi L, Hayata JN, Hellemann GS, Horan WP, Kee KS, Kern RS, Knowlton BJ, Subotnik KL, Ventura J, Sugar CA, Nuechterlein KH, Green MF. Longitudinal stability of social cognition in schizophrenia: A 5-year follow-up of social perception and emotion processing.. Schizophrenia research, 2016.
- Viskontas IV, Knowlton BJ, Fried I. Responses of neurons in the medial temporal lobe during encoding and recognition of face-scene pairs.. Neuropsychologia, 2016.
- Patterson TK, Lenartowicz A, Berkman ET, Ji D, Poldrack RA, Knowlton BJ. Putting the brakes on the brakes: negative emotion disrupts cognitive control network functioning and alters subsequent stopping ability.. Experimental brain research, 2016.
- Lin CH, Knowlton BJ, Wu AD, Iacoboni M, Yang HC, Ye YL, Liu KH, Chiang MC. Benefit of interleaved practice of motor skills is associated with changes in functional brain network topology that differ between younger and older adults.. Neurobiology of aging, 2016.
- Suthana NA, Parikshak NN, Ekstrom AD, Ison MJ, Knowlton BJ, Bookheimer SY, Fried I. Specific responses of human hippocampal neurons are associated with better memory.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015.
- Cohen MS, Rissman J, Suthana NA, Castel AD, Knowlton BJ. Effects of aging on value-directed modulation of semantic network activity during verbal learning.. NeuroImage, 2015.
- Haut KM, van Erp TG, Knowlton B, Bearden CE, Subotnik K, Ventura J, Nuechterlein KH, Cannon TD. Contributions of Feature Binding During Encoding and Functional Connectivity of the Medial Temporal Lobe Structures to Episodic Memory Deficits Across the Prodromal and First-Episode Phases of Schizophrenia.. Clinical psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, 2015.
- Wagshal D, Knowlton BJ, Cohen JR, Bookheimer SY, Bilder RM, Fernandez VG, Asarnow RF. Cognitive correlates of gray matter abnormalities in adolescent siblings of patients with childhood-onset schizophrenia.. Schizophrenia research, 2014.
- Suthana NA, Donix M, Wozny DR, Bazih A, Jones M, Heidemann RM, Trampel R, Ekstrom AD, Scharf M, Knowlton B, Turner R, Bookheimer SY. High-resolution 7T fMRI of Human Hippocampal Subfields during Associative Learning.. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2014.
- Greenberg DL, Knowlton BJ. The role of visual imagery in autobiographical memory.. Memory & cognition, 2014.
- Cohen MS, Rissman J, Suthana NA, Castel AD, Knowlton BJ. Value-based modulation of memory encoding involves strategic engagement of fronto-temporal semantic processing regions.. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience, 2014.
- Vendetti MS, Wu A, Rowshanshad E, Knowlton BJ, Holyoak KJ. When reasoning modifies memory: schematic assimilation triggered by analogical mapping.. Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 2014.
- Carr VA, Castel AD, Knowlton BJ. Age-related differences in memory after attending to distinctiveness or similarity during learning.. Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition, 2014.
- Wagshal D, Knowlton BJ, Cohen JR, Poldrack RA, Bookheimer SY, Bilder RM, Asarnow RF. Impaired automatization of a cognitive skill in first-degree relatives of patients with schizophrenia.. Psychiatry research, 2013.
- Patterson TK, Craske MG, Knowlton BJ. The effect of early-life stress on memory systems supporting instrumental behavior.. Hippocampus, 2013.
- Wagshal D, Knowlton BJ, Suthana NA, Cohen JR, Poldrack RA, Bookheimer SY, Bilder RM, Asarnow RF. Evidence for corticostriatal dysfunction during cognitive skill learning in adolescent siblings of patients with childhood-onset schizophrenia.. Schizophrenia bulletin, 2013.
- Carr VA, Engel SA, Knowlton BJ. Top-down modulation of hippocampal encoding activity as measured by high-resolution functional MRI.. Neuropsychologia, 2013.
- Vendetti M, Knowlton BJ, Holyoak KJ. The impact of semantic distance and induced stress on analogical reasoning: a neurocomputational account.. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience, 2012.
- Wagshal D, Knowlton BJ, Cohen JR, Poldrack RA, Bookheimer SY, Bilder RM, Fernandez VG, Asarnow RF. Deficits in probabilistic classification learning and liability for schizophrenia.. Psychiatry research, 2012.
- Knowlton BJ, Morrison RG, Hummel JE, Holyoak KJ. A neurocomputational system for relational reasoning.. Trends in cognitive sciences, 2012.
- Lin CH, Chiang MC, Wu AD, Iacoboni M, Udompholkul P, Yazdanshenas O, Knowlton BJ. Enhanced motor learning in older adults is accompanied by increased bilateral frontal and fronto-parietal connectivity.. Brain connectivity, 2012.
- Lin CH, Chiang MC, Wu AD, Iacoboni M, Udompholkul P, Yazdanshenas O, Knowlton BJ. Age related differences in the neural substrates of motor sequence learning after interleaved and repetitive practice.. NeuroImage, 2012.
- Lin CH, Chiang MC, Knowlton BJ, Iacoboni M, Udompholkul P, Wu AD. Interleaved practice enhances skill learning and the functional connectivity of fronto-parietal networks.. Human brain mapping, 2012.
- Suthana N, Haneef Z, Stern J, Mukamel R, Behnke E, Knowlton B, Fried I. Memory enhancement and deep-brain stimulation of the entorhinal area.. The New England journal of medicine, 2012.
- Cohen JR, Asarnow RF, Sabb FW, Bilder RM, Bookheimer SY, Knowlton BJ, Poldrack RA. Decoding continuous variables from neuroimaging data: basic and clinical applications.. Frontiers in neuroscience, 2011.
- Elderkin-Thompson V, Moody T, Knowlton B, Hellemann G, Kumar A. Explicit and implicit memory in late-life depression.. The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, 2011.
- Lin CH, Knowlton BJ, Chiang MC, Iacoboni M, Udompholkul P, Wu AD. Brain-behavior correlates of optimizing learning through interleaved practice.. NeuroImage, 2011.
- Greenberg DL, Ogar JM, Viskontas IV, Gorno Tempini ML, Miller B, Knowlton BJ. Multimodal cuing of autobiographical memory in semantic dementia.. Neuropsychology, 2011.
- Kantak SS, Sullivan KJ, Fisher BE, Knowlton BJ, Winstein CJ. Transfer of motor learning engages specific neural substrates during motor memory consolidation dependent on the practice structure.. Journal of motor behavior, 2011.
- Lin CH, Wu AD, Udompholkul P, Knowlton BJ. Contextual interference effects in sequence learning for young and older adults.. Psychology and aging, 2010.
- Carr VA, Viskontas IV, Engel SA, Knowlton BJ. Neural activity in the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex during encoding is associated with the durability of episodic memory.. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2010.
- Suthana N, Ekstrom A, Moshirvaziri S, Knowlton B, Bookheimer S. Dissociations within human hippocampal subregions during encoding and retrieval of spatial information.. Hippocampus, 2010.
- Kantak SS, Sullivan KJ, Fisher BE, Knowlton BJ, Winstein CJ. Neural substrates of motor memory consolidation depend on practice structure.. Nature neuroscience, 2010.
- Cohen JR, Asarnow RF, Sabb FW, Bilder RM, Bookheimer SY, Knowlton BJ, Poldrack RA. Decoding developmental differences and individual variability in response inhibition through predictive analyses across individuals.. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2010.
- Cohen JR, Asarnow RF, Sabb FW, Bilder RM, Bookheimer SY, Knowlton BJ, Poldrack RA. A unique adolescent response to reward prediction errors.. Nature neuroscience, 2010.
- Moody TD, Chang GY, Vanek ZF, Knowlton BJ. Concurrent discrimination learning in Parkinson's disease.. Behavioral neuroscience, 2010.
- Suthana NA, Ekstrom AD, Moshirvaziri S, Knowlton B, Bookheimer SY. Human hippocampal CA1 involvement during allocentric encoding of spatial information.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2009.
- McAuliffe SP, Knowlton BJ. The time course of object encoding.. Acta psychologica, 2009.
- Knowlton BJ, McAuliffe SP, Coelho CJ, Hummel JE. Visual priming of inverted and rotated objects.. Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 2009.
- Cho S, Moody TD, Fernandino L, Mumford JA, Poldrack RA, Cannon TD, Knowlton BJ, Holyoak KJ. Common and dissociable prefrontal loci associated with component mechanisms of analogical reasoning.. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 2009.
- Viskontas IV, Carr VA, Engel SA, Knowlton BJ. The neural correlates of recollection: hippocampal activation declines as episodic memory fades.. Hippocampus, 2009.
- Minnema MT, Knowlton BJ. Directed forgetting of emotional words.. Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 2008.
- Horan WP, Green MF, Knowlton BJ, Wynn JK, Mintz J, Nuechterlein KH. Impaired implicit learning in schizophrenia.. Neuropsychology, 2008.
- Krawczyk DC, Morrison RG, Viskontas I, Holyoak KJ, Chow TW, Mendez MF, Miller BL, Knowlton BJ. Distraction during relational reasoning: the role of prefrontal cortex in interference control.. Neuropsychologia, 2008.
- Knowlton BJ, Greenberg DL. Implicit learning and memory.. Handbook of clinical neurology, 2008.
- van Erp TG, Lesh TA, Knowlton BJ, Bearden CE, Hardt M, Karlsgodt KH, Shirinyan D, Rao V, Green MF, Subotnik KL, Nuechterlein K, Cannon TD. Remember and know judgments during recognition in chronic schizophrenia.. Schizophrenia research, 2007.
- Foerde K, Poldrack RA, Knowlton BJ. Secondary-task effects on classification learning.. Memory & cognition, 2007.
- Viskontas IV, Knowlton BJ, Steinmetz PN, Fried I. Differences in mnemonic processing by neurons in the human hippocampus and parahippocampal regions.. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2006.
- Foerde K, Knowlton BJ, Poldrack RA. Modulation of competing memory systems by distraction.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2006.
- Yin HH, Knowlton BJ. The role of the basal ganglia in habit formation.. Nature reviews. Neuroscience, 2006.
- Dudukovic NM, Knowlton BJ. Remember-Know judgments and retrieval of contextual details.. Acta psychologica, 2006.
- Fales CL, Vanek ZF, Knowlton BJ. Backward inhibition in Parkinson's disease.. Neuropsychologia, 2005.
- Yin HH, Knowlton BJ, Balleine BW. Inactivation of dorsolateral striatum enhances sensitivity to changes in the action-outcome contingency in instrumental conditioning.. Behavioural brain research, 2005.
- Yin HH, Knowlton BJ, Balleine BW. Blockade of NMDA receptors in the dorsomedial striatum prevents action-outcome learning in instrumental conditioning.. The European journal of neuroscience, 2005.
- Yin HH, Ostlund SB, Knowlton BJ, Balleine BW. The role of the dorsomedial striatum in instrumental conditioning.. The European journal of neuroscience, 2005.
- Poldrack RA, Sabb FW, Foerde K, Tom SM, Asarnow RF, Bookheimer SY, Knowlton BJ. The neural correlates of motor skill automaticity.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2005.
- Eldridge LL, Engel SA, Zeineh MM, Bookheimer SY, Knowlton BJ. A dissociation of encoding and retrieval processes in the human hippocampus.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2005.
- Viskontas IV, Morrison RG, Holyoak KJ, Hummel JE, Knowlton BJ. Relational integration, inhibition, and analogical reasoning in older adults.. Psychology and aging, 2004.
- Yin HH, Knowlton BJ. Contributions of striatal subregions to place and response learning.. Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.), 2004.
- Chang GY, Knowlton BJ. Visual feature learning in artificial grammar classification.. Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 2004.
- Lieberman MD, Chang GY, Chiao J, Bookheimer SY, Knowlton BJ. An event-related fMRI study of artificial grammar learning in a balanced chunk strength design.. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2004.
- Moody TD, Bookheimer SY, Vanek Z, Knowlton BJ. An implicit learning task activates medial temporal lobe in patients with Parkinson's disease.. Behavioral neuroscience, 2004.
- Waltz JA, Knowlton BJ, Holyoak KJ, Boone KB, Back-Madruga C, McPherson S, Masterman D, Chow T, Cummings JL, Miller BL. Relational integration and executive function in Alzheimer's disease.. Neuropsychology, 2004.
- Morrison RG, Krawczyk DC, Holyoak KJ, Hummel JE, Chow TW, Miller BL, Knowlton BJ. A neurocomputational model of analogical reasoning and its breakdown in frontotemporal lobar degeneration.. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2004.
- Iacoboni M, Lieberman MD, Knowlton BJ, Molnar-Szakacs I, Moritz M, Throop CJ, Fiske AP. Watching social interactions produces dorsomedial prefrontal and medial parietal BOLD fMRI signal increases compared to a resting baseline.. NeuroImage, 2004.
- Yin HH, Knowlton BJ, Balleine BW. Lesions of dorsolateral striatum preserve outcome expectancy but disrupt habit formation in instrumental learning.. The European journal of neuroscience, 2004.
- Stacy AW, Ames SL, Knowlton BJ. Neurologically plausible distinctions in cognition relevant to drug use etiology and prevention.. Substance use & misuse, 2004.
- Fales CL, Knowlton BJ, Holyoak KJ, Geschwind DH, Swerdloff RS, Gonzalo IG. Working memory and relational reasoning in Klinefelter syndrome.. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 2003.
- Sage JR, Anagnostaras SG, Mitchell S, Bronstein JM, De Salles A, Masterman D, Knowlton BJ. Analysis of probabilistic classification learning in patients with Parkinson's disease before and after pallidotomy surgery.. Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.), 2003.
- Eldridge LL, Masterman D, Knowlton BJ. Intact implicit habit learning in Alzheimer's disease.. Behavioral neuroscience, 2002.
- Sullivan KJ, Knowlton BJ, Dobkin BH. Step training with body weight support: effect of treadmill speed and practice paradigms on poststroke locomotor recovery.. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 2002.
- Packard MG, Knowlton BJ. Learning and memory functions of the Basal Ganglia.. Annual review of neuroscience, 2002.
- Eldridge LL, Sarfatti S, Knowlton BJ. The effect of testing procedure on remember-know judgments.. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 2002.
- Knowlton BJ, Fanselow MS. The hippocampus, consolidation and on-line memory.. Current opinion in neurobiology, 1998.
- Knowlton BJ. The relationship between remembering and knowing: a cognitive neuroscience perspective.. Acta psychologica, 1998.