Barnett Schlinger
Professor, Integrative Biology And Physiology, University of California Los Angeles
Professor, Ecology And Evolutionary Biology, University of California Los Angeles
- Schlinger BA, Remage-Healey L, Saldanha CJ. The form, function, and evolutionary significance of neural aromatization.. Frontiers in neuroendocrinology, 2021.
- Schlinger BA. Multidisciplinary science and the growth and future of behavioral neuroendocrinology: A perspective.. Hormones and behavior, 2019.
- Schlinger BA, Paul K, Monks DA. Muscle, a conduit to brain for hormonal control of behavior.. Hormones and behavior, 2018.
- Schlinger BA. Hormonal control of behavior: novel mechanisms and model organisms.. Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology, 2017.
- Schlinger BA, Remage-Healey L, Rensel M. Establishing regional specificity of neuroestrogen action.. General and comparative endocrinology, 2014.
- Schlinger BA, Barske J, Day L, Fusani L, Fuxjager MJ. Hormones and the neuromuscular control of courtship in the golden-collared manakin (Manacus vitellinus).. Frontiers in neuroendocrinology, 2013.
- Schlinger BA, Remage-Healey L. Neurosteroidogenesis: insights from studies of songbirds.. Journal of neuroendocrinology, 2012.
- Schlinger BA, Day LB, Fusani L. Behavior, natural history and neuroendocrinology of a tropical bird.. General and comparative endocrinology, 2008.
- Schlinger BA, London SE. Neurosteroids and the songbird model system.. Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Comparative experimental biology, 2006.
- Schlinger BA. Behavioral neuroendocrinology evolving: contributions of comparative and field studies.. Hormones and behavior, 2005.
- Schlinger BA, Schultz JD, Hertel F. Neuromuscular and endocrine control of an avian courtship behavior.. Hormones and behavior, 2001.
- Schlinger BA, Soma KK, London SE. Neurosteroids and brain sexual differentiation.. Trends in neurosciences, 2001.
- Schlinger BA. Sexual differentiation of avian brain and behavior: current views on gonadal hormone-dependent and independent mechanisms.. Annual review of physiology, 1998.