Debora Rodrigues Sobreira
Department Vice Chair, Biological Chemistry, University of California Los Angeles
Assistant Professor, Biological Chemistry, University of California Los Angeles
Assistant Professor, Human Genetics, University of California Los Angeles
Complex Diseases, GWAS, Stem cell, Variant to Function (V2F), Gene regulation
- Glunk V, Laber S, Sinnott-Armstrong N, Sobreira DR, Strobel SM, Batista TM, Kubitz P, Moud BN, Ebert H, Huang Y, Brandl B, Garbo G, Honecker J, Stirling DR, Abdennur N, Calabuig-Navarro V, Skurk T, Ocvirk S, Stemmer K, Cimini BA, Carpenter AE, Dankel SN, Lindgren CM, Hauner H, Nobrega MA, Claussnitzer M. A non-coding variant linked to metabolic obesity with normal weight affects actin remodelling in subcutaneous adipocytes.. Nature metabolism, 2023.
- Hansen GT, Sobreira DR, Weber ZT, Thornburg AG, Aneas I, Zhang L, Sakabe NJ, Joslin AC, Haddad GA, Strobel SM, Laber S, Sultana F, Sahebdel F, Khan K, Li YI, Claussnitzer M, Ye L, Battaglino RA, Nóbrega MA. Genetics of sexually dimorphic adipose distribution in humans.. Nature genetics, 2023.
- Gray OA, Yoo J, Sobreira DR, Jousma J, Witonsky D, Sakabe NJ, Peng YJ, Prabhakar NR, Fang Y, Nobréga MA, Di Rienzo A. A pleiotropic hypoxia-sensitive EPAS1 enhancer is disrupted by adaptive alleles in Tibetans.. Science advances, 2022.
- Chung J, Das A, Sun X, Sobreira DR, Leung YY, Igartua C, Mozaffari S, Chou YF, Thiagalingam S, Mez J, Zhang X, Jun GR, Stein TD, Kunkle BW, Martin ER, Pericak-Vance MA, Mayeux R, Haines JL, Schellenberg GD, Nobrega MA, Lunetta KL, Pinto JM, Wang LS, Ober C, Farrer LA. Genome-wide association and multi-omics studies identify MGMT as a novel risk gene for Alzheimer's disease among women.. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2022.
- Aneas I, Decker DC, Howard CL, Sobreira DR, Sakabe NJ, Blaine KM, Stein MM, Hrusch CL, Montefiori LE, Tena J, Magnaye KM, Clay SM, Gern JE, Jackson DJ, Altman MC, Naureckas ET, Hogarth DK, White SR, Gomez-Skarmeta JL, Schoetler N, Ober C, Sperling AI, Nóbrega MA. Asthma-associated genetic variants induce IL33 differential expression through an enhancer-blocking regulatory region.. Nature communications, 2021.
- Joslin AC, Sobreira DR, Hansen GT, Sakabe NJ, Aneas I, Montefiori LE, Farris KM, Gu J, Lehman DM, Ober C, He X, Nóbrega MA. A functional genomics pipeline identifies pleiotropy and cross-tissue effects within obesity-associated GWAS loci.. Nature communications, 2021.
- Sobreira DR, Joslin AC, Zhang Q, Williamson I, Hansen GT, Farris KM, Sakabe NJ, Sinnott-Armstrong N, Bozek G, Jensen-Cody SO, Flippo KH, Ober C, Bickmore WA, Potthoff M, Chen M, Claussnitzer M, Aneas I, Nóbrega MA. Extensive pleiotropism and allelic heterogeneity mediate metabolic effects of IRX3 and IRX5.. Science (New York, N.Y.), 2021.
- Sobreira DR, Nóbrega MA. Regulatory Landscapes of Nppa and Nppb.. Circulation research, 2021.
- Sakabe NJ, Aneas I, Knoblauch N, Sobreira DR, Clark N, Paz C, Horth C, Ziffra R, Kaur H, Liu X, Anderson R, Morrison J, Cheung VC, Grotegut C, Reddy TE, Jacobsson B, Hallman M, Teramo K, Murtha A, Kessler J, Grobman W, Zhang G, Muglia LJ, Rana S, Lynch VJ, Crawford GE, Ober C, He X, Nóbrega MA. Transcriptome and regulatory maps of decidua-derived stromal cells inform gene discovery in preterm birth.. Science advances, 2020.
- Helling BA, Sobreira DR, Hansen GT, Sakabe NJ, Luo K, Billstrand C, Laxman B, Nicolae RI, Nicolae DL, Bochkov YA, Gern JE, Nobrega MA, White SR, Ober C. Altered transcriptional and chromatin responses to rhinovirus in bronchial epithelial cells from adults with asthma.. Communications biology, 2020.
- El Khattabi L, Zhao H, Kalchschmidt J, Young N, Jung S, Van Blerkom P, Kieffer-Kwon P, Kieffer-Kwon KR, Park S, Wang X, Krebs J, Tripathi S, Sakabe N, Sobreira DR, Huang SC, Rao SSP, Pruett N, Chauss D, Sadler E, Lopez A, Nóbrega MA, Aiden EL, Asturias FJ, Casellas R. A Pliable Mediator Acts as a Functional Rather Than an Architectural Bridge between Promoters and Enhancers.. Cell, 2019.
- Boogerd CJ, Zhu X, Aneas I, Sakabe N, Zhang L, Sobreira DR, Montefiori L, Bogomolovas J, Joslin AC, Zhou B, Chen J, Nobrega MA, Evans SM. Tbx20 Is Required in Mid-Gestation Cardiomyocytes and Plays a Central Role in Atrial Development.. Circulation research, 2018.
- Montefiori LE, Sobreira DR, Sakabe NJ, Aneas I, Joslin AC, Hansen GT, Bozek G, Moskowitz IP, McNally EM, Nóbrega MA. A promoter interaction map for cardiovascular disease genetics.. eLife, 2018.
- Nicodemus-Johnson J, Myers RA, Sakabe NJ, Sobreira DR, Hogarth DK, Naureckas ET, Sperling AI, Solway J, White SR, Nobrega MA, Nicolae DL, Gilad Y, Ober C. DNA methylation in lung cells is associated with asthma endotypes and genetic risk.. JCI insight, 2016.
- Berti F, Nogueira JM, Wöhrle S, Sobreira DR, Hawrot K, Dietrich S. Time course and side-by-side analysis of mesodermal, pre-myogenic, myogenic and differentiated cell markers in the chicken model for skeletal muscle formation.. Journal of anatomy, 2015.
- Schubert FR, Sobreira DR, Janousek RG, Alvares LE, Dietrich S. Dact genes are chordate specific regulators at the intersection of Wnt and Tgf-β signaling pathways.. BMC evolutionary biology, 2014.
- Lours-Calet C, Alvares LE, El-Hanfy AS, Gandesha S, Walters EH, Sobreira DR, Wotton KR, Jorge EC, Lawson JA, Kelsey Lewis A, Tada M, Sharpe C, Kardon G, Dietrich S. Evolutionarily conserved morphogenetic movements at the vertebrate head-trunk interface coordinate the transport and assembly of hypopharyngeal structures.. Developmental biology, 2014.
- Smemo S, Tena JJ, Kim KH, Gamazon ER, Sakabe NJ, Gómez-Marín C, Aneas I, Credidio FL, Sobreira DR, Wasserman NF, Lee JH, Puviindran V, Tam D, Shen M, Son JE, Vakili NA, Sung HK, Naranjo S, Acemel RD, Manzanares M, Nagy A, Cox NJ, Hui CC, Gomez-Skarmeta JL, Nóbrega MA. Obesity-associated variants within FTO form long-range functional connections with IRX3.. Nature, 2014.
- Sensiate LA, Sobreira DR, Da Veiga FC, Peterlini DJ, Pedrosa AV, Rirsch T, Joazeiro PP, Schubert FR, Collares-Buzato CB, Xavier-Neto J, Dietrich S, Alvares LE. Dact gene expression profiles suggest a role for this gene family in integrating Wnt and TGF-β signaling pathways during chicken limb development.. Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists, 2013.
- Consonni SR, Werneck CC, Sobreira DR, Kühne F, Moraes SG, Alvares LE, Joazeiro PP. Elastic fiber assembly in the adult mouse pubic symphysis during pregnancy and postpartum.. Biology of reproduction, 2012.