Li-Jung Liang
Adjunct Professor, Medicine, University of California Los Angeles
- Liang LJ, Casillas A, Longstreth WT, PhanVo L, Vassar SD, Brown AF. Fishing for health: Neighborhood variation in fish intake, fish quality and association with stroke risk among older adults in the Cardiovascular Health Study.. Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD, 2022.
- Zingmond DS, Powell D, Jennings LA, Escarce JJ, Liang LJ, Parikh P, Wenger NS. POLST completion and continuity in California nursing homes.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2021.
- Li L, Lin C, Liang LJ, Song W, Pham LQ, Le TA, Nguyen TA. A community approach to promote healthcare services for people living with HIV who use drugs in Vietnam.. International journal of STD & AIDS, 2021.
- Li L, Lin C, Liang LJ, Nguyen DB, Pham LQ, Le TA, Nguyen TA. Community Capacity Building for HIV and Addiction Service Integration: An Intervention Trial in Vietnam.. AIDS and behavior, 2021.
- Casillas A, Liang LJ, Vassar S, Brown A. Culture and Cognition-the Association Between Acculturation and Self-reported Memory Problems Among Middle-aged and Older Latinos in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 1999 to 2014.. Journal of general internal medicine, 2021.
- Fung CH, Martin JL, Liang LJ, Hays RD, Col N, Patterson ES, Josephson K, Mitchell MN, Sanchez MC, Aysola R, Song Y, Dzierzewski JM, Huang D, Zeidler M, Alessi C. Efficacy of a patient decision aid for improving person-centered decision-making by older adults with obstructive sleep apnea.. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2021.
- Kaplow JB, Wamser-Nanney R, Layne CM, Burnside A, King C, Liang LJ, Steinberg A, Briggs-King E, Suarez L, Pynoos R.. Identifying Bereavement-Related Markers of Mental and Behavioral Health Problems Among Clinic-Referred Adolescents. Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice, 2021.
- Yerstein O, Parand L, Liang LJ, Isaac A, Mendez MF. Benson's Disease or Posterior Cortical Atrophy, Revisited.. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 2021.
- Li L, Lin C, Liang LJ, Feng N, Pham L, Hien NT. Evaluating an intervention for family members of people who use drugs in Vietnam.. Social science & medicine (1982), 2020.
- Li L, Lin C, Liang LJ, Pham QL, Feng N, Nguyen AT. HCV infection status and care seeking among people living with HIV who use drugs in Vietnam.. AIDS care, 2020.
- Li L, Lin C, Liang LJ, Chen J, Feng N, Nguyen AT. HIV- and Drug Use-Related Stigma and Service Provision Among Community Health Workers in Vietnam.. AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education, 2020.
- Stover CS, Ippen CG, Liang LJ, Briggs EC, Berkowitz SJ. . An examination of partner violence, polyexposure, and mental health functioning in a sample of clinically referred youth. Psychology of Violence, 2019.
- Fung CH, Martin JL, Hays RD, Col N, Patterson ES, Josephson K, Mitchell MN, Grinberg A, Aysola R, Song Y, Dzierzewski JM, Liang LJ, Huang D, Zeidler M, Alessi C. Development of a Program Promoting Person-Centered Care of Older Adults with Sleep Apnea.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2019.
- Casillas A, Liang LJ, Vassar S, Brown A. Trends in Memory Problems and Race/Ethnicity in the National Health and Examination Survey, 1999-2014.. Ethnicity & disease, 2019.
- Steinberg AM, Layne CM, Briggs EC, Liang LJ, Brymer MJ, Belin TR, Fairbank JA, Pynoos RS. Benefits of Treatment Completion Over Premature Termination: Findings from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.. Psychiatry, 2019.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Lin C, Feng N, Cao W, Wu Z. An intervention to improve provider-patient interaction at methadone maintenance treatment in China.. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 2019.
- Mendez MF, Monserratt LH, Liang LJ, Chavez D, Jimenez EE, Maurer JJ, Laffey M. Neuropsychological Similarities and Differences Between Amnestic Alzheimer's Disease and its Non-Amnestic Variants.. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 2019.
- Gabayan GZ, Doyle B, Liang LJ, Donkor K, Huang DY, Sarkisian CA. Who Has an Unsuccessful Observation Care Stay?. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 2018.
- Li L, Wu Z, Liang LJ, Lin C, Luo S, Cao X, Hsieh J, Rou K. An intervention trial targeting methadone maintenance treatment providers to improve clients' treatment retention in China.. Drug and alcohol dependence, 2018.
- Gabayan GZ, Liang LJ, Doyle B, Huang DY, Sarkisian CA. Emergency Department Increased use of Observation Care for Elderly Medicare Patients.. Journal of hospital administration, 2018.
- Hodgdon HB, Spinazzola J, Briggs EC, Liang LJ, Steinberg AM, Layne CM. Maltreatment type, exposure characteristics, and mental health outcomes among clinic referred trauma-exposed youth.. Child abuse & neglect, 2018.
- Zingmond DS, Liang LJ, Parikh P, Escarce JJ. The Impact of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program across Insurance Types in California.. Health services research, 2018.
- Li L, Hien NT, Liang LJ, Lin C, Lan CW, Lee SJ, Tuan NA, Tuan LA, Thanh DC, Ha NTT. Efficacy of Communication Training of Community Health Workers on Service Delivery to People Who Inject Drugs in Vietnam: A Clustered Randomized Trial.. American journal of public health, 2018.
- Olagunju TO, Liu Y, Liang LJ, Stomber JM, Griggs JJ, Ganz PA, Thind A, Maly RC. Disparities in the survivorship experience among Latina survivors of breast cancer.. Cancer, 2018.
- Brown AF, Liang LJ, Vassar SD, Escarce JJ, Merkin SS, Cheng E, Richards A, Seeman T, Longstreth WT. Trends in Racial/Ethnic and Nativity Disparities in Cardiovascular Health Among Adults Without Prevalent Cardiovascular Disease in the United States, 1988 to 2014.. Annals of internal medicine, 2018.
- Walsh CM, Liang LJ, Grogan T, Coles C, McNair N, Nuckols TK. Temporal Trends in Fall Rates with the Implementation of a Multifaceted Fall Prevention Program: Persistence Pays Off.. Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety, 2018.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Lin C, Lan CW, Ji G, Xiao Y. Changes in behavioral outcomes among children affected by HIV: Results of a randomized controlled trial in China.. Journal of health psychology, 2017.
- Nuckols TK, Needleman J, Grogan TR, Liang LJ, Worobel-Luk P, Anderson L, Czypinski L, Coles C, Walsh CM. Clinical Effectiveness and Cost of a Hospital-Based Fall Prevention Intervention: The Importance of Time Nurses Spend on the Front Line of Implementation.. The Journal of nursing administration, 2017.
- Li L, Ji G, Liang LJ, Lin C, Hsieh J, Lan CW, Xiao Y. Efficacy of a multilevel intervention on the mental health of people living with HIV and their family members in rural China.. Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, 2017.
- Maly RC, Liang LJ, Liu Y, Griggs JJ, Ganz PA. Randomized Controlled Trial of Survivorship Care Plans Among Low-Income, Predominantly Latina Breast Cancer Survivors.. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2017.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Lin C, Feng N, Wu Z. Comparison Between Urinalysis Results and Self-Reported Heroin Use Among Patients Undergoing Methadone Maintenance Treatment in China.. Substance use & misuse, 2017.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Lin C, Ji G, Xiao Y. Gender Differences in Depressive Symptoms Among HIV-Positive Concordant and Discordant Heterosexual Couples in China.. Psychology of women quarterly, 2016.
- McNair N, Baird J, Grogan TR, Walsh CM, Liang LJ, Worobel-Luk P, Needleman J, Nuckols TK. Is Spending More Time Associated With Less Missed Care?: A Comparison of Time Use and Missed Care Across 15 Nursing Units at 2 Hospitals.. The Journal of nursing administration, 2016.
- Soh H, Venkatesan N, Veena MS, Ravichandran S, Zinabadi A, Basak SK, Parvatiyar K, Srivastava M, Liang LJ, Gjertson DW, Torres JZ, Moatamed NA, Srivatsan ES. Cystatin E/M Suppresses Tumor Cell Growth through Cytoplasmic Retention of NF-κB.. Molecular and cellular biology, 2016.
- Li L, Ji G, Lin C, Liang LJ, Lan CW. Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation Following Policy Changes: Observations From China.. Asia-Pacific journal of public health, 2016.
- Paholpak P, Li-Jung L, Carr DR, Jimenez E, Barrows RJ, Sabodash V, Mendez MF. Prolonged Visual Facial Grasp in Frontotemporal Dementia.. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 2016.
- Deutsch MB, Liang LJ, Jimenez EE, Mather MJ, Mendez MF. Are we comparing frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer disease patients with the right measures?. International psychogeriatrics, 2016.
- Li L, Lin C, Liang LJ, Ji G. Exploring Coping and Social Support with Gender and Education Among People Living with HIV in China.. AIDS and behavior, 2016.
- Yan T, Liang LJ, Vassar S, Katz MC, Escarce JJ, Longstreth WT, Merkin SS, Brown AF. Neighborhood Characteristics are Associated with Racial and Gender Variation in Walking among Older Adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study.. Ethnicity & disease, 2016.
- Brown AF, Morris DM, Kahn KL, Sankaré IC, King KM, Vargas R, Lucas-Wright A, Jones LF, Flowers A, Jones FU, Bross R, Banner D, Del Pino HE, Pitts OL, Zhang L, Porter C, Madrigal SK, Vassar SD, Vangala S, Liang LJ, Martinez AB, Norris KC. The Healthy Community Neighborhood Initiative: Rationale and Design.. Ethnicity & disease, 2016.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Lin C, Wu Z. Addressing HIV stigma in protected medical settings.. AIDS care, 2015.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Ji G, Lin C, Xiao Y. Perceived Bonding by Parents Living with HIV and Their Adolescent Children.. Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence, 2015.
- Lester P, Liang LJ, Milburn N, Mogil C, Woodward K, Nash W, Aralis H, Sinclair M, Semaan A, Klosinski L, Beardslee W, Saltzman W. Evaluation of a Family-Centered Preventive Intervention for Military Families: Parent and Child Longitudinal Outcomes.. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2015.
- Baugh CW, Liang LJ, Probst MA, Sun BC. National cost savings from observation unit management of syncope.. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 2015.
- Diehl J, Choi YM, Liang LJ, Chiu M. Association Between Mohs Surgery Wait Times and Surgical Defect Size in Patients With Squamous Cell or Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Skin.. Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.], 2015.
- Vu JP, Larauche M, Flores M, Luong L, Norris J, Oh S, Liang LJ, Waschek J, Pisegna JR, Germano PM. Regulation of Appetite, Body Composition, and Metabolic Hormones by Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP).. Journal of molecular neuroscience : MN, 2015.
- Ma C, Hernandez MA, Kirkpatrick VE, Liang LJ, Nouvong AL, Gordon II. Topical platelet-derived growth factor vs placebo therapy of diabetic foot ulcers offloaded with windowed casts: a randomized, controlled trial.. Wounds : a compendium of clinical research and practice, 2015.
- Ringman JM, Liang LJ, Zhou Y, Vangala S, Teng E, Kremen S, Wharton D, Goate A, Marcus DS, Farlow M, Ghetti B, McDade E, Masters CL, Mayeux RP, Rossor M, Salloway S, Schofield PR, Cummings JL, Buckles V, Bateman R, Morris JC, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. Early behavioural changes in familial Alzheimer's disease in the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network.. Brain : a journal of neurology, 2015.
- Gabayan GZ, Sarkisian CA, Liang LJ, Sun BC. Predictors of admission after emergency department discharge in older adults.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2014.
- Maly RC, Liu Y, Liang LJ, Ganz PA. Quality of life over 5 years after a breast cancer diagnosis among low-income women: effects of race/ethnicity and patient-physician communication.. Cancer, 2014.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Ji G, Wu J, Xiao Y. Effect of a family intervention on psychological outcomes of children affected by parental HIV.. AIDS and behavior, 2014.
- Kaiser NC, Liang LJ, Melrose RJ, Wilkins SS, Sultzer DL, Mendez MF. Differences in anxiety among patients with early- versus late-onset Alzheimer's disease.. The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences, 2014.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Wu Z, Lin C, Guan J. Assessing outcomes of a stigma-reduction intervention with venue-based analysis.. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 2013.
- Li L, Hien NT, Liang LJ, Lin C, Tuan NA. Correlated outcomes of a pilot intervention for people injecting drugs and their family members in Vietnam.. Drug and alcohol dependence, 2013.
- Sun BC, McCreath H, Liang LJ, Bohan S, Baugh C, Ragsdale L, Henderson SO, Clark C, Bastani A, Keeler E, An R, Mangione CM. Randomized clinical trial of an emergency department observation syncope protocol versus routine inpatient admission.. Annals of emergency medicine, 2013.
- Hsia RY, Asch SM, Weiss RE, Zingmond D, Gabayan G, Liang LJ, Han W, McCreath H, Sun BC. Is emergency department crowding associated with increased "bounceback" admissions?. Medical care, 2013.
- Li L, Tuan NA, Liang LJ, Lin C, Farmer SC, Flore M. Mental health and family relations among people who inject drugs and their family members in Vietnam.. The International journal on drug policy, 2013.
- Li L, Guan J, Liang LJ, Lin C, Wu Z. Popular Opinion Leader intervention for HIV stigma reduction in health care settings.. AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education, 2013.
- Romanova M, Liang LJ, Deng ML, Li Z, Heber D. Effectiveness of the MOVE! Multidisciplinary weight loss program for veterans in Los Angeles.. Preventing chronic disease, 2013.
- Gabayan GZ, Asch SM, Hsia RY, Zingmond D, Liang LJ, Han W, McCreath H, Weiss RE, Sun BC. Factors associated with short-term bounce-back admissions after emergency department discharge.. Annals of emergency medicine, 2013.
- Kim W, Charchian B, Chang EY, Liang LJ, Dumas AJ, Perez M, Siebens HC, Kim HS. Strengthening information capture in rehabilitation discharge summaries: an application of the Siebens Domain Management Model.. PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation, 2013.
- Brown AF, Liang LJ, Vassar SD, Merkin SS, Longstreth WT, Ovbiagele B, Yan T, Escarce JJ. Neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage and mortality after stroke.. Neurology, 2013.
- Wang HS, Pisegna J, Modi R, Liang LJ, Atia M, Nguyen M, Cohen H, Ohning G, van Oijen M, Spiegel BM. Adenoma detection rate is necessary but insufficient for distinguishing high versus low endoscopist performance.. Gastrointestinal endoscopy, 2013.
- Mendez MF, Owens EM, Reza Berenji G, Peppers DC, Liang LJ, Licht EA. Mild traumatic brain injury from primary blast vs. blunt forces: post-concussion consequences and functional neuroimaging.. NeuroRehabilitation, 2013.
- Yan T, Escarce JJ, Liang LJ, Longstreth WT, Merkin SS, Ovbiagele B, Vassar SD, Seeman T, Sarkisian C, Brown AF. Exploring psychosocial pathways between neighbourhood characteristics and stroke in older adults: the cardiovascular health study.. Age and ageing, 2012.
- Li L, Wu Z, Liang LJ, Lin C, Guan J, Jia M, Rou K, Yan Z. Reducing HIV-related stigma in health care settings: a randomized controlled trial in China.. American journal of public health, 2012.
- Sun BC, Hsia RY, Weiss RE, Zingmond D, Liang LJ, Han W, McCreath H, Asch SM. Effect of emergency department crowding on outcomes of admitted patients.. Annals of emergency medicine, 2012.
- Martin DJ, Chernoff RA, Buitron M, Comulada WS, Liang LJ, Wong FL. Helping people with HIV/AIDS return to work: a randomized clinical trial.. Rehabilitation psychology, 2012.
- Li L, Wu Z, Liang LJ, Lin C, Zhang L, Guo S, Rou K, Li J. An intervention targeting service providers and clients for methadone maintenance treatment in China: a cluster-randomized trial.. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 2012.
- Vazirani S, Lankarani-Fard A, Liang LJ, Stelzner M, Asch SM. Perioperative processes and outcomes after implementation of a hospitalist-run preoperative clinic.. Journal of hospital medicine, 2012.
- Hsia RY, Asch SM, Weiss RE, Zingmond D, Liang LJ, Han W, McCreath H, Sun BC. California hospitals serving large minority populations were more likely than others to employ ambulance diversion.. Health affairs (Project Hope), 2012.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Lee SJ, Iamsirithaworn S, Wan D, Rotheram-Borus MJ. Efficacy of an intervention for families living with HIV in Thailand: a randomized controlled trial.. AIDS and behavior, 2012.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Lee SJ, Farmer SC. HIV status and gender: a brief report from heterosexual couples in Thailand.. Women & health, 2012.
- Rotheram-Borus MJ, Li L, Liang LJ, Wen Y, Wu Z, NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial Group. Attitudinal, behavioral, and biological outcomes of a community popular opinion leader intervention in China.. AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education, 2011.
- Brown AF, Liang LJ, Vassar SD, Stein-Merkin S, Longstreth WT, Ovbiagele B, Yan T, Escarce JJ. Neighborhood disadvantage and ischemic stroke: the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS).. Stroke, 2011.
- Medina LD, Rodriguez-Agudelo Y, Geschwind DH, Gilbert PE, Liang LJ, Cummings JL, Ringman JM. Propositional density and apolipoprotein E genotype among persons at risk for familial Alzheimer's disease.. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 2011.
- Li L, Ji G, Liang LJ, Ding Y, Tian J, Xiao Y. A multilevel intervention for HIV-affected families in China: Together for Empowerment Activities (TEA).. Social science & medicine (1982), 2011.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Ding YY, Ji G. Facing HIV as a family: predicting depressive symptoms with correlated responses.. Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), 2011.
- Rotheram-Borus MJ, Wu Z, Li L, Detels R, Liang LJ, NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial Group. Spontaneous remission of sexually transmitted diseases must be considered in randomised controlled trials.. Sexually transmitted infections, 2011.
- Hsia RY, Asch SM, Weiss RE, Zingmond D, Liang LJ, Han W, McCreath H, Sun BC. Hospital determinants of emergency department left without being seen rates.. Annals of emergency medicine, 2011.
- Rotheram-Borus MJ, Wu Z, Liang LJ, Li L, Detels R, Guan J, Yin Y, Swendeman D, NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial Group. Reductions in sexually transmitted infections associated with popular opinion leaders in China in a randomised controlled trial.. Sexually transmitted infections, 2011.
- Walker KO, Leng M, Liang LJ, Forge N, Morales L, Jones L, Brown A. Increased patient delays in care after the closure of Martin Luther King Hospital: implications for monitoring health system changes.. Ethnicity & disease, 2011.
- Lee SJ, Liang LJ, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Milburn NG. Resiliency and survival skills among newly homeless adolescents: Implications for future interventions.. Vulnerable children and youth studies, 2011.
- Liang LJ, Huang D, Brecht ML, Hser YI. Differences in Mortality among Heroin, Cocaine, and Methamphetamine Users: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach.. Journal of drug issues, 2010.
- Walker KO, Steers N, Liang LJ, Morales LS, Forge N, Jones L, Brown AF. The vulnerability of middle-aged and older adults in a multiethnic, low-income area: contributions of age, ethnicity, and health insurance.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2010.
- Duarte VM, Han E, Veena MS, Salvado A, Suh JD, Liang LJ, Faull KF, Srivatsan ES, Wang MB. Curcumin enhances the effect of cisplatin in suppression of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma via inhibition of IKKβ protein of the NFκB pathway.. Molecular cancer therapeutics, 2010.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Lin C, Wu Z, Rotheram-Borus MJ, NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial Group. HIV prevention intervention to reduce HIV-related stigma: evidence from China.. AIDS (London, England), 2010.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Lin C, Wu Z, Wen Y. Individual attitudes and perceived social norms: Reports on HIV/AIDS-related stigma among service providers in China.. International journal of psychology : Journal international de psychologie, 2009.
- Sun BC, Derose SF, Liang LJ, Gabayan GZ, Hoffman JR, Moore AA, Mower WR, Mangione CM. Predictors of 30-day serious events in older patients with syncope.. Annals of emergency medicine, 2009.
- Liang LJ, Weiss RE, Redelings B, Suchard MA. Improving phylogenetic analyses by incorporating additional information from genetic sequence databases.. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 2009.
- La Rochelle J, Shuch B, Riggs S, Liang LJ, Saadat A, Kabbinavar F, Pantuck A, Belldegrun A. Functional and oncological outcomes of partial nephrectomy of solitary kidneys.. The Journal of urology, 2009.
- Milburn N, Liang LJ, Lee SJ, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Rosenthal D, Mallett S, Lightfoot M, Lester P. WHO IS DOING WELL? A TYPOLOGY OF NEWLY HOMELESS ADOLESCENTS.. Journal of community psychology, 2009.
- Milburn NG, Liang LJ, Lee SJ, Rotheram-Borus MJ. Trajectories of risk behaviors and exiting homelessness among newly homeless adolescents.. Vulnerable children and youth studies, 2009.
- Li L, Liang LJ, Wu Z, Lin C, Wu S. Institutional support for HIV/AIDS care in China: a multilevel analysis.. AIDS care, 2008.
- Gold R, Yu K, Liang LJ, Adler F, Balingit P, Luc P, Hernandez J, Toro Y, Modilevsky T. Synchronous provider visit and self-management education improves glycemic control in Hispanic patients with long-standing type 2 diabetes.. The Diabetes educator, 2008.
- Wu S, Li L, Wu Z, Liang LJ, Cao H, Yan Z, Li J. A brief HIV stigma reduction intervention for service providers in China.. AIDS patient care and STDs, 2008.
- Liang LJ, Weiss RE. A hierarchical semiparametric regression model for combining HIV-1 phylogenetic analyses using iterative reweighting algorithms.. Biometrics, 2007.
- Sigman M, Whaley SE, Neumann CG, Bwibo N, Guthrie D, Weiss RE, Liang LJ, Murphy SP. Diet quality affects the playground activities of Kenyan children.. Food and nutrition bulletin, 2005.
- Murphy SP, Gewa C, Liang LJ, Grillenberger M, Bwibo NO, Neumann CG. School snacks containing animal source foods improve dietary quality for children in rural Kenya.. The Journal of nutrition, 2003.
- Polefka TG, Liang LJ, Ananthakrishnan TN. Comparison of the mosquito-repelling efficacy of methyl neodecanamide (MNDA) to that of Deet.. Journal of cosmetic science, 2003.
- Noskin GA, Pietrelli L, Coffey G, Gurwith M, Liang LJ. Amphotericin B colloidal dispersion for treatment of candidemia in immunocompromised patients.. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 1998.
- Muggia FM, Hainsworth JD, Jeffers S, Miller P, Groshen S, Tan M, Roman L, Uziely B, Muderspach L, Garcia A, Burnett A, Greco FA, Morrow CP, Paradiso LJ, Liang LJ. Phase II study of liposomal doxorubicin in refractory ovarian cancer: antitumor activity and toxicity modification by liposomal encapsulation.. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 1997.
- Kowitz GM, Nathoo SA, Rustogi KN, Chmielewski MB, Liang LJ, Wong R. Clinical comparison of Colgate Platinum Toothwhitening System and Rembrandt Gel Plus.. Compendium (Newtown, Pa.). Supplement, 1994.