Michael Albert Thomas
Professor-in-residence, Radiological Sciences, University of California Los Angeles
Professor-in-residence, Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California Los Angeles
Education and Training
University of California | Post-doc | 07/1990 | In vivo MR Spectroscopy |
ETH | Post-doc | 09/1987 | NMR Physics |
Purdue University | Post-doc | 05/1985 | NMR Physics |
Indian Institute of Science | Ph.D. | 03/1984 | Physics |
The American College | M.Sc. | 06/1978 | Physics |
The Madura College | B.Sc. | 06/1975 | Physics,Chemistry and Mathematics |
- Joy A, Nagarajan R, Daar ES, Paul J, Saucedo A, Yadav SK, Guerrero M, Haroon E, Macey P, Thomas MA. Alterations of gray and white matter volumes and cortical thickness in treated HIV-positive patients.. Magnetic resonance imaging, 2022.
- Joy A, Nagarajan R, Saucedo A, Iqbal Z, Sarma MK, Wilson N, Felker E, Reiter RE, Raman SS, Thomas MA. Dictionary learning compressed sensing reconstruction: pilot validation of accelerated echo planar J-resolved spectroscopic imaging in prostate cancer.. Magma (New York, N.Y.), 2022.
- Iqbal Z, Nguyen D, Thomas MA, Jiang S. Deep learning can accelerate and quantify simulated localized correlated spectroscopy.. Scientific reports, 2021.
- Saucedo A, Macey PM, Thomas MA. Accelerated radial echo-planar spectroscopic imaging using golden angle view-ordering and compressed-sensing reconstruction with total variation regularization.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2021.
- Sarma MK, Pal A, Keller MA, Welikson T, Ventura J, Michalik DE, Nielsen-Saines K, Deville J, Kovacs A, Operskalski E, Church JA, Macey PM, Biswal B, Thomas MA. White matter of perinatally HIV infected older youths shows low frequency fluctuations that may reflect glial cycling.. Scientific reports, 2021.
- Emir UE, Sood J, Chiew M, Thomas MA, Lane SP. High-resolution metabolic mapping of the cerebellum using 2D zoom magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2020.
- Alhulail AA, Xia P, Shen X, Nichols M, Volety S, Farley N, Thomas MA, Nagel AM, Dydak U, Emir UE. Fast in vivo 23 Na imaging and T2∗ mapping using accelerated 2D-FID UTE magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging at 3 T: Proof of concept and reliability study.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2020.
- Carr BR, Thomas MA, Gangestad A, Eisenberg DL, Olariu A, Creinin MD. Conception rates in women desiring pregnancy after levonorgestrel 52 mg intrauterine system (Liletta®) discontinuation.. Contraception, 2020.
- Sarma MK, Saucedo A, Darwin CH, Felker ER, Umachandran K, Kohanghadosh D, Xu E, Raman S, Thomas MA. Noninvasive assessment of abdominal adipose tissues and quantification of hepatic and pancreatic fat fractions in type 2 diabetes mellitus.. Magnetic resonance imaging, 2020.
- Alhulail AA, Patterson DA, Xia P, Zhou X, Lin C, Thomas MA, Dydak U, Emir UE. Fat-water separation by fast metabolite cycling magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging at 3 T: A method to generate separate quantitative distribution maps of musculoskeletal lipid components.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2020.
- Mohajeri S, Bezabeh T, Ijare OB, King SB, Thomas MA, Minuk G, Lipschitz J, Kirkpatrick I, Micflikier AB, Summers R, Smith ICP. In vivo 1 H MRS of human gallbladder bile in understanding the pathophysiology of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC): Immune-mediated disease versus bile acid-induced injury.. NMR in biomedicine, 2019.
- Sarma MK, Keller MA, Macey PM, Michalik DE, Hayes J, Nielsen-Saines K, Deville J, Church JA, Walot I, Albert Thomas M. White matter microstructure among perinatally HIV-infected youth: a diffusion tensor imaging study.. Journal of neurovirology, 2019.
- Macey PM, Thomas MA, Henderson LA. DTI-based upper limit of voxel free water fraction.. Heliyon, 2018.
- Steel A, Chiew M, Jezzard P, Voets NL, Plaha P, Thomas MA, Stagg CJ, Emir UE. Metabolite-cycled density-weighted concentric rings k-space trajectory (DW-CRT) enables high-resolution 1 H magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging at 3-Tesla.. Scientific reports, 2018.
- Macey PM, Haris N, Kumar R, Thomas MA, Woo MA, Harper RM. Obstructive sleep apnea and cortical thickness in females and males.. PloS one, 2018.
- Nagarajan R, Carpenter CL, Lee CC, Michael N, Sarma MK, Souza R, Xu E, Velan SS, Hahn TJ, Go VL, Thomas MA. Assessment of Lipid and Metabolite Changes in Obese Calf Muscle Using Multi-Echo Echo-planar Correlated Spectroscopic Imaging.. Scientific reports, 2017.
- Macey PM, Sarma MK, Prasad JP, Ogren JA, Aysola R, Harper RM, Thomas MA. Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with altered midbrain chemical concentrations.. Neuroscience, 2017.
- Iqbal Z, Wilson NE, Thomas MA. Prior-knowledge Fitting of Accelerated Five-dimensional Echo Planar J-resolved Spectroscopic Imaging: Effect of Nonlinear Reconstruction on Quantitation.. Scientific reports, 2017.
- Sarma MK, Nagarajan R, Iqbal Z, Macey PM, Thomas MA. Echo-Planar J-resolved Spectroscopic Imaging using Dual Read-outs: Implementation and Quantitation of Human Brain Metabolites.. Scientific reports, 2017.
- Iqbal Z, Verma G, Kumar A, Thomas MA. Covariance J-resolved spectroscopy: Theory and application in vivo.. NMR in biomedicine, 2017.
- Emir UE, Burns B, Chiew M, Jezzard P, Thomas MA. Non-water-suppressed short-echo-time magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging using a concentric ring k-space trajectory.. NMR in biomedicine, 2017.
- Verma G, Chawla S, Nagarajan R, Iqbal Z, Albert Thomas M, Poptani H. Non-uniformly weighted sampling for faster localized two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy of the brain in vivo.. Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997), 2017.
- Yadav SK, Goel A, Saraswat VA, Thomas MA, Wang E, Marincola FM, Haris M, Gupta RK. Evaluation of cognitivity, proinflammatory cytokines, and brain magnetic resonance imaging in minimal hepatic encephalopathy induced by cirrhosis and extrahepatic portal vein obstruction.. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, 2016.
- Verma G, Mohan S, Nasrallah MP, Brem S, Lee JY, Chawla S, Wang S, Nagarajan R, Thomas MA, Poptani H. Non-invasive detection of 2-hydroxyglutarate in IDH-mutated gliomas using two-dimensional localized correlation spectroscopy (2D L-COSY) at 7 Tesla.. Journal of translational medicine, 2016.
- Iqbal Z, Wilson NE, Keller MA, Michalik DE, Church JA, Nielsen-Saines K, Deville J, Souza R, Brecht ML, Thomas MA. Pilot Assessment of Brain Metabolism in Perinatally HIV-Infected Youths Using Accelerated 5D Echo Planar J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging.. PloS one, 2016.
- Sarma MK, Macey PM, Nagarajan R, Aysola R, Harper RM, Thomas MA. Accelerated Echo Planer J-resolved Spectroscopic Imaging of Putamen and Thalamus in Obstructive Sleep Apnea.. Scientific reports, 2016.
- Dumesic DA, Akopians AL, Madrigal VK, Ramirez E, Margolis DJ, Sarma MK, Thomas AM, Grogan TR, Haykal R, Schooler TA, Okeya BL, Abbott DH, Chazenbalk GD. Hyperandrogenism Accompanies Increased Intra-Abdominal Fat Storage in Normal Weight Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Women.. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 2016.
- Macey PM, Sarma MK, Nagarajan R, Aysola R, Siegel JM, Harper RM, Thomas MA. Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with low GABA and high glutamate in the insular cortex.. Journal of sleep research, 2016.
- Iqbal Z, Wilson NE, Thomas MA. 3D spatially encoded and accelerated TE-averaged echo planar spectroscopic imaging in healthy human brain.. NMR in biomedicine, 2016.
- Thomas MA, Ryu V, Bartness TJ. Central ghrelin increases food foraging/hoarding that is blocked by GHSR antagonism and attenuates hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus neuronal activation.. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, 2015.
- Yadav SK, Gupta RK, Saraswat VA, Rangan M, Thomas MA, Rutella S, Danese S, Wang E, Marincola FM, Haris M. Reduced cortical thickness in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure due to non-alcoholic etiology.. Journal of translational medicine, 2015.
- Wilson NE, Burns BL, Iqbal Z, Thomas MA. Correlated spectroscopic imaging of calf muscle in three spatial dimensions using group sparse reconstruction of undersampled single and multichannel data.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2015.
- Nagarajan R, Iqbal Z, Burns B, Wilson NE, Sarma MK, Margolis DA, Reiter RE, Raman SS, Thomas MA. Accelerated echo planar J-resolved spectroscopic imaging in prostate cancer: a pilot validation of non-linear reconstruction using total variation and maximum entropy.. NMR in biomedicine, 2015.
- Wilson NE, Iqbal Z, Burns BL, Keller M, Thomas MA. Accelerated five-dimensional echo planar J-resolved spectroscopic imaging: Implementation and pilot validation in human brain.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2015.
- Thames AD, Castellon SA, Singer EJ, Nagarajan R, Sarma MK, Smith J, Thaler NS, Truong JH, Schonfeld D, Thomas MA, Hinkin CH. Neuroimaging abnormalities, neurocognitive function, and fatigue in patients with hepatitis C.. Neurology(R) neuroimmunology & neuroinflammation, 2015.
- Croarkin PE, Thomas MA, Port JD, Baruth JM, Choi DS, Abulseoud OA, Frye MA. N-acetylaspartate normalization in bipolar depression after lamotrigine treatment.. Bipolar disorders, 2014.
- Thomas MA, Tuero I, Demberg T, Vargas-Inchaustegui DA, Musich T, Xiao P, Venzon D, LaBranche C, Montefiori DC, DiPasquale J, Reed SG, DeVico A, Fouts T, Lewis GK, Gallo RC, Robert-Guroff M. HIV-1 CD4-induced (CD4i) gp120 epitope vaccines promote B and T-cell responses that contribute to reduced viral loads in rhesus macaques.. Virology, 2014.
- Furuyama JK, Nagarajan R, Roberts CK, Lee CC, Hahn TJ, Thomas MA. A pilot validation of multi-echo based echo-planar correlated spectroscopic imaging in human calf muscles.. NMR in biomedicine, 2014.
- Sarma MK, Nagarajan R, Macey PM, Kumar R, Villablanca JP, Furuyama J, Thomas MA. Accelerated echo-planar J-resolved spectroscopic imaging in the human brain using compressed sensing: a pilot validation in obstructive sleep apnea.. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 2014.
- Burns B, Wilson NE, Furuyama JK, Thomas MA. Non-uniformly under-sampled multi-dimensional spectroscopic imaging in vivo: maximum entropy versus compressed sensing reconstruction.. NMR in biomedicine, 2014.
- Sarma M, Hu P, Rapacchi S, Ennis D, Thomas A, Lee P, Kupelian P, Sheng K. Accelerating dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for lung tumor tracking based on low-rank decomposition in the spatial-temporal domain: a feasibility study based on simulation and preliminary prospective undersampled MRI.. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2014.
- Verma G, Hariharan H, Nagarajan R, Nanga RP, Delikatny EJ, Albert Thomas M, Poptani H. Implementation of two-dimensional L-COSY at 7 Tesla: an investigation of reproducibility in human brain.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2013.
- Sarma MK, Nagarajan R, Keller MA, Kumar R, Nielsen-Saines K, Michalik DE, Deville J, Church JA, Thomas MA. Regional brain gray and white matter changes in perinatally HIV-infected adolescents.. NeuroImage. Clinical, 2013.
- Thomas MA, Nagarajan R, Huda A, Margolis D, Sarma MK, Sheng K, Reiter RE, Raman SS. Multidimensional MR spectroscopic imaging of prostate cancer in vivo.. NMR in biomedicine, 2013.
- Nagarajan R, Margolis DJ, Raman SS, Ouellette D, Sarma MK, Reiter RE, Thomas MA. MR Spectroscopic Imaging of Peripheral Zone in Prostate Cancer Using a 3T MRI Scanner: Endorectal versus External Phased Array Coils.. Magnetic resonance insights, 2013.
- Salamon N, Ellingson BM, Nagarajan R, Gebara N, Thomas A, Holly LT. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of human cervical spondylosis at 3T.. Spinal cord, 2013.
- Gold MA, Thomas MA, Huh WK, Sarto GE, Day SP. High-risk human papillomavirus detection in women with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions or higher-grade cytology using the Cervista HPV HR test.. Journal of lower genital tract disease, 2013.
- Srivastava A, Yadav SK, Borkar VV, Yadav A, Yachha SK, Thomas MA, Rathore RK, Pandey CM, Gupta RK. Serial evaluation of children with ALF with advanced MRI, serum proinflammatory cytokines, thiamine, and cognition assessment.. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 2012.
- Srikanthan P, Singhal A, Lee CC, Nagarajan R, Wilson N, Roberts CK, Hahn TJ, Thomas MA. Characterization of Intra-myocellular Lipids using 2D Localized Correlated Spectroscopy and Abdominal Fat using MRI in Type 2 Diabetes.. Magnetic resonance insights, 2012.
- Nagarajan R, Sarma MK, Thomas MA, Chang L, Natha U, Wright M, Hayes J, Nielsen-Saines K, Michalik DE, Deville J, Church JA, Mason K, Critton-Mastandrea T, Nazarian S, Jing J, Keller MA. Neuropsychological function and cerebral metabolites in HIV-infected youth.. Journal of neuroimmune pharmacology : the official journal of the Society on NeuroImmune Pharmacology, 2012.
- Tan N, Margolis DJ, McClure TD, Thomas A, Finley DS, Reiter RE, Huang J, Raman SS. Radical prostatectomy: value of prostate MRI in surgical planning.. Abdominal imaging, 2012.
- Nagarajan R, Sarma MK, Thames AD, Castellon SA, Hinkin CH, Thomas MA. 2D MR Spectroscopy Combined with Prior-Knowledge Fitting Is Sensitive to HCV-Associated Cerebral Metabolic Abnormalities.. International journal of hepatology, 2012.
- Nagarajan R, Margolis D, Raman S, Sarma MK, Sheng K, King CR, Verma G, Sayre J, Reiter RE, Thomas MA. MR spectroscopic imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging of prostate cancer with Gleason scores.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2012.
- Furuyama JK, Wilson NE, Burns BL, Nagarajan R, Margolis DJ, Thomas MA. Application of compressed sensing to multidimensional spectroscopic imaging in human prostate.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2012.
- McClure TD, Margolis DJ, Reiter RE, Sayre JW, Thomas MA, Nagarajan R, Gulati M, Raman SS. Use of MR imaging to determine preservation of the neurovascular bundles at robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy.. Radiology, 2012.
- Nagarajan R, Margolis D, Raman S, Sheng K, King C, Reiter R, Thomas MA. Correlation of Gleason scores with diffusion-weighted imaging findings of prostate cancer.. Advances in urology, 2011.
- Pope WB, Prins RM, Albert Thomas M, Nagarajan R, Yen KE, Bittinger MA, Salamon N, Chou AP, Yong WH, Soto H, Wilson N, Driggers E, Jang HG, Su SM, Schenkein DP, Lai A, Cloughesy TF, Kornblum HI, Wu H, Fantin VR, Liau LM. Non-invasive detection of 2-hydroxyglutarate and other metabolites in IDH1 mutant glioma patients using magnetic resonance spectroscopy.. Journal of neuro-oncology, 2011.
- Furuyama JK, Burns BL, Wilson NE, Thomas MA. Multi-Echo-Based Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging Using a 3T MRI Scanner.. Materials (Basel, Switzerland), 2011.
- Furuyama JK, Wilson NE, Thomas MA. Spectroscopic imaging using concentrically circular echo-planar trajectories in vivo.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2011.
- Verma G, Lipnick S, Ramadan S, Nagarajan R, Thomas MA. Implementation of multi-echo-based correlated spectroscopic imaging and pilot findings in human brain and calf muscle.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2011.
- Nagarajan R, Margolis D, McClure T, Raman S, Thomas MA. Role of endorectal magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging in two different Gleason scores in prostate cancer.. Medical principles and practice : international journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science Centre, 2011.
- Sarma MK, Huda A, Nagarajan R, Hinkin CH, Wilson N, Gupta RK, Frias-Martinez E, Sayre J, Guze B, Han SH, Thomas MA. Multi-dimensional MR spectroscopy: towards a better understanding of hepatic encephalopathy.. Metabolic brain disease, 2011.
- Srivastava A, Yadav SK, Yachha SK, Thomas MA, Saraswat VA, Gupta RK. Pro-inflammatory cytokines are raised in extrahepatic portal venous obstruction, with minimal hepatic encephalopathy.. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, 2011.
- Srivastava A, Yadav SK, Lal R, Yachha SK, Thomas MA, Saraswat VA, Gupta RK. Effect of surgical portosystemic shunt on prevalence of minimal hepatic encephalopathy in children with extrahepatic portal venous obstruction: assessment by magnetic resonance imaging and psychometry.. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 2010.
- Lipnick S, Liu X, Sayre J, Bassett LW, Debruhl N, Thomas MA. Combined DCE-MRI and single-voxel 2D MRS for differentiation between benign and malignant breast lesions.. NMR in biomedicine, 2010.
- Gupta RK, Yadav SK, Rangan M, Rathore RK, Thomas MA, Prasad KN, Pandey CM, Saraswat VA. Serum proinflammatory cytokines correlate with diffusion tensor imaging derived metrics and 1H-MR spectroscopy in patients with acute liver failure.. Metabolic brain disease, 2010.
- Singhal A, Nagarajan R, Hinkin CH, Kumar R, Sayre J, Elderkin-Thompson V, Huda A, Gupta RK, Han SH, Thomas MA. Two-dimensional MR spectroscopy of minimal hepatic encephalopathy and neuropsychological correlates in vivo.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2010.
- Nagarajan R, Ramadan S, Thomas MA. Detection of Amide and Aromatic Proton Resonances of Human Brain Metabolites Using Localized Correlated Spectroscopy Combined with Two Different Water Suppression Schemes.. Magnetic resonance insights, 2010.
- Goel A, Yadav S, Saraswat V, Srivastava A, Thomas MA, Pandey CM, Rathore R, Gupta R. Cerebral oedema in minimal hepatic encephalopathy due to extrahepatic portal venous obstruction.. Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver, 2010.
- Nagarajan R, Gomez AM, Raman SS, Margolis DJ, McClure T, Thomas MA. Correlation of endorectal 2D JPRESS findings with pathological Gleason scores in prostate cancer patients.. NMR in biomedicine, 2010.
- Yadav SK, Saksena S, Srivastava A, Srivastava A, Saraswat VA, Thomas MA, Rathore RK, Gupta RK. Brain MR imaging and 1H-MR spectroscopy changes in patients with extrahepatic portal vein obstruction from early childhood to adulthood.. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 2010.
- Yadav SK, Srivastava A, Srivastava A, Thomas MA, Agarwal J, Pandey CM, Lal R, Yachha SK, Saraswat VA, Gupta RK. Encephalopathy assessment in children with extra-hepatic portal vein obstruction with MR, psychometry and critical flicker frequency.. Journal of hepatology, 2010.
- Rao U, Chen LA, Bidesi AS, Shad MU, Thomas MA, Hammen CL. Hippocampal changes associated with early-life adversity and vulnerability to depression.. Biological psychiatry, 2009.
- Singhal A, Nagarajan R, Kumar R, Huda A, Gupta RK, Thomas MA. Magnetic resonance T2-relaxometry and 2D L-correlated spectroscopy in patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2009.
- Montville CP, Khabbaz M, Aubuchon M, Williams DB, Thomas MA. Luteal support with intravaginal progesterone increases clinical pregnancy rates in women with polycystic ovary syndrome using letrozole for ovulation induction.. Fertility and sterility, 2009.
- Kumar A, Gupta R, Thomas A, Ajilore O, Hellemann G. Focal subcortical biophysical abnormalities in patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and depression.. Archives of general psychiatry, 2009.
- Thomas MA, Lipnick S, Velan SS, Liu X, Banakar S, Binesh N, Ramadan S, Ambrosio A, Raylman RR, Sayre J, DeBruhl N, Bassett L. Investigation of breast cancer using two-dimensional MRS.. NMR in biomedicine, 2009.
- Haroon E, Watari K, Thomas A, Ajilore O, Mintz J, Elderkin-Thompson V, Darwin C, Kumaran S, Kumar A. Prefrontal myo-inositol concentration and visuospatial functioning among diabetic depressed patients.. Psychiatry research, 2008.
- Velan SS, Said N, Narasimhan K, Papan C, Bahu A, Vargo JA, Raylman RR, Thomas MA, Rajendran VM, Spencer RG, Alway SE. Gender Differences in Musculoskeletal Lipid Metabolism as Assessed by Localized Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy.. Magnetic resonance insights, 2008.
- Nath K, Saraswat VA, Krishna YR, Thomas MA, Rathore RK, Pandey CM, Gupta RK. Quantification of cerebral edema on diffusion tensor imaging in acute-on-chronic liver failure.. NMR in biomedicine, 2008.
- Velan SS, Said N, Durst C, Frisbee S, Frisbee J, Raylman RR, Thomas MA, Rajendran VM, Spencer RG, Alway SE. Distinct patterns of fat metabolism in skeletal muscle of normal-weight, overweight, and obese humans.. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, 2008.
- Lutkenhoff ES, van Erp TG, Thomas MA, Therman S, Manninen M, Huttunen MO, Kaprio J, Lönnqvist J, O'Neill J, Cannon TD. Proton MRS in twin pairs discordant for schizophrenia.. Molecular psychiatry, 2008.
- Thomas MA, Lange T, Velan SS, Nagarajan R, Raman S, Gomez A, Margolis D, Swart S, Raylman RR, Schulte RF, Boesiger P. Two-dimensional MR spectroscopy of healthy and cancerous prostates in vivo.. Magma (New York, N.Y.), 2008.
- Kumar R, Gupta RK, Elderkin-Thompson V, Huda A, Sayre J, Kirsch C, Guze B, Han S, Thomas MA. Voxel-based diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of low-grade hepatic encephalopathy.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2008.
- Banakar S, Thomas MA, Deveikis A, Watzl JQ, Hayes J, Keller MA. Two-dimensional 1H MR spectroscopy of the brain in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected children.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2008.
- Huda A, Gupta RK, Rajakumar N, Thomas MA. Role of Magnetic Resonance in Understanding the Pathogenesis of Hepatic Encephalopathy.. Magnetic resonance insights, 2008.
- Saksena S, Rai V, Saraswat VA, Rathore RS, Purwar A, Kumar M, Thomas MA, Gupta RK. Cerebral diffusion tensor imaging and in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients with fulminant hepatic failure.. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, 2007.
- Velan SS, Lemieux SK, Raylman RR, Boling W, Hobbs GR, Spencer RG, Sridhar R, Kuppusamy P, Thomas MA. Detection of cerebral metabolites by single-voxel-based PRESS and COSY techniques at 3T.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2007.
- Velan SS, Ramamurthy S, Ainala S, Durst C, Lemieux SK, Raylman RR, Spencer RG, Thomas MA. Implementation and validation of localized constant-time correlated spectroscopy (LCT-COSY) on a clinical 3T MRI scanner for investigation of muscle metabolism.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2007.
- Frye MA, Watzl J, Banakar S, O'Neill J, Mintz J, Davanzo P, Fischer J, Chirichigno JW, Ventura J, Elman S, Tsuang J, Walot I, Thomas MA. Increased anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal cortical glutamate and creatine in bipolar depression.. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2007.
- Frye MA, Thomas MA, Yue K, Binesh N, Davanzo P, Ventura J, O'Neill J, Guze B, Curran JG, Mintz J. Reduced concentrations of N-acetylaspartate (NAA) and the NAA-creatine ratio in the basal ganglia in bipolar disorder: a study using 3-Tesla proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy.. Psychiatry research, 2007.
- Velan SS, Durst C, Lemieux SK, Raylman RR, Sridhar R, Spencer RG, Hobbs GR, Thomas MA. Investigation of muscle lipid metabolism by localized one- and two-dimensional MRS techniques using a clinical 3T MRI/MRS scanner.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2007.
- Ajilore O, Haroon E, Kumaran S, Darwin C, Binesh N, Mintz J, Miller J, Thomas MA, Kumar A. Measurement of brain metabolites in patients with type 2 diabetes and major depression using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy.. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2006.
- Keller MA, Venkatraman TN, Thomas MA, Deveikis A, Lopresti C, Hayes J, Berman N, Walot I, Ernst T, Chang L. Cerebral metabolites in HIV-infected children followed for 10 months with 1H-MRS.. Neurology, 2006.
- Binesh N, Huda A, Thomas MA, Wyckoff N, Bugbee M, Han S, Rasgon N, Davanzo P, Sayre J, Guze B, Martin P, Fawzy F. Hepatic encephalopathy: a neurochemical, neuroanatomical, and neuropsychological study.. Journal of applied clinical medical physics, 2006.
- Thomas MA, Chung HK, Middlekauff H. Localized two-dimensional 1H magnetic resonance exchange spectroscopy: a preliminary evaluation in human muscle.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2005.
- Thomas MA, Wyckoff N, Yue K, Binesh N, Banakar S, Chung HK, Sayre J, DeBruhl N. Two-dimensional MR spectroscopic characterization of breast cancer in vivo.. Technology in cancer research & treatment, 2005.
- Elderkin-Thompson V, Thomas MA, Binesh N, Mintz J, Haroon E, Dunkin JJ, Kumar A. Brain metabolites and cognitive function among older depressed and healthy individuals using 2D MR spectroscopy.. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2004.
- Binesh N, Kumar A, Hwang S, Mintz J, Thomas MA. Neurochemistry of late-life major depression: a pilot two-dimensional MR spectroscopic study.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2004.
- Keller MA, Venkatraman TN, Thomas A, Deveikis A, LoPresti C, Hayes J, Berman N, Walot I, Padilla S, Johnston-Jones J, Ernst T, Chang L. Altered neurometabolite development in HIV-infected children: correlation with neuropsychological tests.. Neurology, 2004.
- Kumar A, Gupta RC, Albert Thomas M, Alger J, Wyckoff N, Hwang S. Biophysical changes in normal-appearing white matter and subcortical nuclei in late-life major depression detected using magnetization transfer.. Psychiatry research, 2004.
- Wyckoff N, Kumar A, Gupta RC, Alger J, Hwang S, Thomas MA. Magnetization transfer imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy of normal-appearing white matter in late-life major depression.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2003.
- Janzen NK, Laifer-Narin S, Han KR, Seltzer M, Thomas MA, Pantuck AJ, Belldegrun AS. Emerging technologies in uroradiologic imaging.. Urologic oncology, 2003.
- Thomas MA, Hattori N, Umeda M, Sawada T, Naruse S. Evaluation of two-dimensional L-COSY and JPRESS using a 3 T MRI scanner: from phantoms to human brain in vivo.. NMR in biomedicine, 2003.
- Davanzo P, Yue K, Thomas MA, Belin T, Mintz J, Venkatraman TN, Santoro E, Barnett S, McCracken J. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of bipolar disorder versus intermittent explosive disorder in children and adolescents.. The American journal of psychiatry, 2003.
- Binesh N, Yue K, Fairbanks L, Thomas MA. Reproducibility of localized 2D correlated MR spectroscopy.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2002.
- Kumar A, Thomas A, Lavretsky H, Yue K, Huda A, Curran J, Venkatraman T, Estanol L, Mintz J, Mega M, Toga A. Frontal white matter biochemical abnormalities in late-life major depression detected with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy.. The American journal of psychiatry, 2002.
- Thomas MA, Binesh N, Yue K, DeBruhl N. Volume-localized two-dimensional correlated magnetic resonance spectroscopy of human breast cancer.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2001.
- Thomas MA, Yue K, Binesh N, Davanzo P, Kumar A, Siegel B, Frye M, Curran J, Lufkin R, Martin P, Guze B. Localized two-dimensional shift correlated MR spectroscopy of human brain.. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2001.
- Davanzo P, Thomas MA, Yue K, Oshiro T, Belin T, Strober M, McCracken J. Decreased anterior cingulate myo-inositol/creatine spectroscopy resonance with lithium treatment in children with bipolar disorder.. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2001.
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