Raphael D. Levine

Raphael D. Levine


Mailing Address:
Department of Chemistry
607 Charles E. Young Drive East
mail code 951569
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Work Address:
Geology 3608A


Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Molecular & Medical Pharmacology
Member, Biochemistry, Biophysics & Structural Biology GPB Home Area, California NanoSystems Institute, JCCC Signal Transduction and Therapeutics Program Area, Molecular Pharmacology GPB Home Area



Detailed biographies have been published in Molecular Physics, volume 106 issue #2 (2008) and in the Israel Journal of Chemistry, volume 47, issue #1 (2007). An older biography can be found in the Journal of Physical Chemistry, volume 102, issue #47 (1998).


A selected list of publications: