Thomas Belin
UCLA Pub Hlth-Biostat/Psychr & Biobehav Sci
BOX 951772, 51-267 CHS
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Member, CTSI, JCCC Patients and Survivors Program Area, Medical Informatics GPB Home Area
Investigator, Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design
His research interests focus on incomplete-data problems. Some of his efforts involve problems where data are incomplete due to nonresponse (e.g., subjects failing to answer survey questions or due to design decisions (e.g., an investigator intentionally obtained measurements on some but not all subjects on a given variable). His work also includes studying models (hierarchical models, mixture models) where adopting a view that certain quantities are unobserved motivates a solution to an estimation problem, and ongoing work addresses incomplete data in longitudinal studies. He holds a joint appointment in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences in the UCLA School of Medicine, and in recent years, mental health research has been a major area of application. He has developed mixture-modeling methods for performing linkage of multivariate records, and this work served as motivation for a recent proposed methodology for DNA identification. He has maintained an interest in methods for addressing the census undercount problem following on earlier work at the U.S. Census Bureau and in reporting of polling margins of error.
A selected list of publications:
- Ganz Patricia A, Kwan Lorna, Castellon Steven A, Oppenheim Amy, Bower Julienne E, Silverman Daniel H S, Cole Steve W, Irwin Michael R, Ancoli-Israel Sonia, Belin Thomas R Cognitive Complaints After Breast Cancer Treatments: Examining the Relationship With Neuropsychological Test Performance Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2013; .
- Wells Kenneth B, Jones Loretta, Chung Bowen, Dixon Elizabeth L, Tang Lingqi, Gilmore Jim, Sherbourne Cathy, Ngo Victoria K, Ong Michael K, Stockdale Susan, Ramos Esmeralda, Belin Thomas R, Miranda Jeanne Community-Partnered Cluster-Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Community Engagement and Planning or Resources for Services to Address Depression Disparities Journal of general internal medicine, 2013; .
- Miranda Jeanne, Ong Michael K, Jones Loretta, Chung Bowen, Dixon Elizabeth L, Tang Lingqi, Gilmore Jim, Sherbourne Cathy, Ngo Victoria K, Stockdale Susan, Ramos Esmeralda, Belin Thomas R, Wells Kenneth B Community-Partnered Evaluation of Depression Services for Clients of Community-Based Agencies in Under-Resourced Communities in Los Angeles Journal of general internal medicine, 2013; .
- Zigler Corwin M, Belin Thomas R A Bayesian Approach to Improved Estimation of Causal Effect Predictiveness for a Principal Surrogate Endpoint Biometrics, 2012; .
- Ganz Patricia A, Kwan Lorna, Stanton Annette L, Bower Julienne E, Belin Thomas R Physical and psychosocial recovery in the year after primary treatment of breast cancer Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2011; 29(9): 1101-9.
- Shetty Vivek, Murphy Debra A, Zigler Corwin, Yamashita Dennis-Duke R, Belin Thomas R Randomized controlled trial of personalized motivational interventions in substance using patients with facial injuries Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 2011; 69(9): 2396-411.
- Atchison Kathryn A, Der-Martirosian Claudia, Belin Thomas R, Black Edward E, Gironda Melanie W Predictors of Risk Tolerance Among Oral Surgery Patients Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 2010; .
- Der-Martirosian Claudia, Gironda Melanie W, Black Edward E, Belin Thomas R, Atchison Kathryn A Predictors of treatment preference for mandibular fracture Journal of public health dentistry, 2010; 70(1): 13-8.
- Zima Bonnie T, Bussing Regina, Tang Lingqi, Zhang Lily, Ettner Susan, Belin Thomas R, Wells Kenneth B Quality of care for childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in a managed care medicaid program Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2010; 49(12): 1225-37, 1237.e1-11.
- Shetty Vivek, Mooney Larissa J, Zigler Corwin M, Belin Thomas R, Murphy Debra, Rawson Richard The relationship between methamphetamine use and increased dental disease Journal of the American Dental Association (1939), 2010; 141(3): 307-18.
- Rowland Julia H, Meyerowitz Beth E, Crespi Catherine M, Leedham Beth, Desmond Katherine, Belin Thomas R, Ganz Patricia A Addressing intimacy and partner communication after breast cancer: a randomized controlled group intervention Breast cancer research and treatment, 2009; 118(1): 99-111.
- Tang Lingqi, Duan Naihua, Klap Ruth, Asarnow Joan Rosenbaum, Belin Thomas R Applying permutation tests with adjustment for covariates and attrition weights to randomized trials of health-services interventions Statistics in medicine, 2009; 28(1): 65-74.
- Leibowitz Arleen A, Desmond Katherine, Belin Thomas Determinants and policy implications of male circumcision in the United States American journal of public health, 2009; 99(1): 138-45.
- Lee Sunghee, Brown E Richard, Grant David, Belin Thomas R, Brick J Michael Exploring nonresponse bias in a health survey using neighborhood characteristics American journal of public health, 2009; 99(10): 1811-7.
- Bower Julienne E, Ganz Patricia A, Tao May Lin, Hu Wenhua, Belin Thomas R, Sepah Saviz, Cole Steve, Aziz Najib Inflammatory biomarkers and fatigue during radiation therapy for breast and prostate cancer Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 2009; 15(17): 5534-40.
- Belin Thomas R Missing data: what a little can do, and what researchers can do in response American journal of ophthalmology, 2009; 148(6): 820-2.
- Gironda Melanie W, Der-Martirosian Claudia, Belin Thomas R, Black Edward E, Atchison Kathryn A Predictors of depressive symptoms following mandibular fracture repair Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 2009; 67(2): 328-34.
- Zhang Xiao, Boscardin W John, Belin Thomas R Bayesian Analysis of Multivariate Nominal Measures Using Multivariate Multinomial Probit Models Computational statistics & data analysis, 2008; 52(7): 3697-3708.
- Shetty Vivek, Atchison Kathryn, Leathers Richard, Black Edward, Zigler Cory, Belin Thomas R Do the benefits of rigid internal fixation of mandible fractures justify the added costs? Results from a randomized controlled trial Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 2008; 66(11): 2203-12.
- Siddique Juned, Belin Thomas R Multiple imputation using an iterative hot-deck with distance-based donor selection Statistics in medicine, 2008; 27(1): 83-102.
- Siddique Juned, Belin Thomas R Using an Approximate Bayesian Bootstrap to Multiply Impute Nonignorable Missing Data Computational statistics & data analysis, 2008; 53(2): 405-415.
- Atchison Kathryn A, Gironda Melanie W, Black Edward E, Schweitzer Stuart, Der-Martirosian Claudia, Felsenfeld Alan, Leathers Richard, Belin Thomas R Baseline characteristics and treatment preferences of oral surgery patients Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 2007; 65(12): 2430-7.
- Glynn Shirley M, Shetty Vivek, Elliot-Brown Karin, Leathers Richard, Belin Thomas R, Wang Jianming Chronic posttraumatic stress disorder after facial injury: a 1-year prospective cohort study The Journal of trauma, 2007; 62(2): 410-8; discussion 418.
- Xiaowei Yang Cathy D, Shoptaw Steven, Kun Nie Steven, Juanmei Liu Steven, Belin Thomas R Markov transition models for binary repeated measures with ignorable and nonignorable missing values Statistical methods in medical research, 2007; 16(4): 347-64.
- Bernaards Coen A, Belin Thomas R, Schafer Joseph L Robustness of a multivariate normal approximation for imputation of incomplete binary data Statistics in medicine, 2007; 26(6): 1368-82.
- Stockdale Susan E, Tang Lingqi, Zhang Lily, Belin Thomas R, Wells Kenneth B The effects of health sector market factors and vulnerable group membership on access to alcohol, drug, and mental health care Health services research, 2007; 42(3 Pt 1): 1020-41.
- Stockdale Susan E, Wells Kenneth B, Tang Lingqi, Belin Thomas R, Zhang Lily, Sherbourne Cathy D The importance of social context: neighborhood stressors, stress-buffering mechanisms, and alcohol, drug, and mental health disorders Social science & medicine (1982), 2007; 65(9): 1867-81.
- Shetty Vivek, Atchison Kathryn, Der-Matirosian Claudia, Wang Jianming, Belin Thomas R The mandible injury severity score: development and validity Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 2007; 65(4): 663-70.
- Bower Julienne E, Ganz Patricia A, Desmond Katherine A, Bernaards Coen, Rowland Julia H, Meyerowitz Beth E, Belin Thomas R Fatigue in long-term breast carcinoma survivors: a longitudinal investigation Cancer, 2006; 106(4): 751-8.
- Edlund Mark J, Belin Thomas R, Tang Lingqi Geographic variation in alcohol, drug, and mental health services utilization: what are the sources of the variation? The journal of mental health policy and economics, 2006; 9(3): 123-32.
- Stockdale Susan E, Klap Ruth, Belin Thomas R, Zhang Lily, Wells Kenneth B Longitudinal patterns of alcohol, drug, and mental health need and care in a national sample of U.S. adults Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2006; 57(1): 93-9.
- Wellisch David K, Crater Brian, Wiley Frances M, Belin Thomas R, Weinstein Karen Psychosocial impacts of a camping experience for children with cancer and their siblings Psycho-oncology, 2006; 15(1): 56-65.
- Atchison Kathryn A, Shetty Vivek, Belin Thomas R, Der-Martirosian Claudia, Leathers Richard, Black Edward, Wang Jianming Using patient self-report data to evaluate orofacial surgical outcomes Community dentistry and oral epidemiology, 2006; 34(2): 93-102.
- Tang Lingqi, Song Juwon, Belin Thomas R, Unützer Jürgen A comparison of imputation methods in a longitudinal randomized clinical trial Statistics in medicine, 2005; 24(14): 2111-28.
- Atchison Kathryn A, Black Edward E, Leathers Richard, Belin Thomas R, Abrego Mirna, Gironda Melanie W, Wong Daniel, Shetty Vivek, DerMartirosian Claudia A qualitative report of patient problems and postoperative instructions Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 2005; 63(4): 449-56.
- Edlund Mark J, Belin Thomas R, Tang Lingqi, Liao Diana, Unützer Jürgen Comparison of psychiatrists’ and other physicians’ assessments of their ability to deliver high-quality care Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2005; 56(3): 308-14.
- Miranda Jeanne, Siddique Juned, Der-Martirosian Claudia, Belin Thomas R Depression among Latina immigrant mothers separated from their children Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2005; 56(6): 717-20.
- Miranda Jeanne, Siddique Juned, Belin Thomas R, Kohn-Wood Laura P Depression prevalence in disadvantaged young black women–African and Caribbean immigrants compared to US-born African Americans Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 2005; 40(4): 253-8.
- Heslin Kevin C, Andersen Ronald M, Ettner Susan L, Kominski Gerald F, Belin Thomas R, Morgenstern Hal, Cunningham William E Do specialist self-referral insurance policies improve access to HIV-experienced physicians as a regular source of care? Medical care research and review : MCRR, 2005; 62(5): 583-600.
- Yang Xiaowei, Belin Thomas R, Boscardin W John Imputation and variable selection in linear regression models with missing covariates Biometrics, 2005; 61(2): 498-506.
- Stanton Annette L, Ganz Patricia A, Kwan Lorna, Meyerowitz Beth E, Bower Julienne E, Krupnick Janice L, Rowland Julia H, Leedham Beth, Belin Thomas R Outcomes from the Moving Beyond Cancer psychoeducational, randomized, controlled trial with breast cancer patients Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2005; 23(25): 6009-18.
- Song Juwon, Belin Thomas R Imputation for incomplete high-dimensional multivariate normal data using a common factor model Statistics in medicine, 2004; 23(18): 2827-43.
- Kaleita Thomas A, Wellisch David K, Cloughesy Timothy F, Ford Judith M, Freeman Donald, Belin Thomas R, Goldman Jeffrey Prediction of neurocognitive outcome in adult brain tumor patients Journal of neuro-oncology, 2004; 67(1-2): 245-53.
- Lento Jennifer, Glynn Shirley, Shetty Vivek, Asarnow Joan, Wang Jianming, Belin Thomas R Psychologic functioning and needs of indigent patients with facial injury: a prospective controlled study Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 2004; 62(8): 925-32.
- Ganz Patricia A, Kwan Lorna, Stanton Annette L, Krupnick Janice L, Rowland Julia H, Meyerowitz Beth E, Bower Julienne E, Belin Thomas R Quality of life at the end of primary treatment of breast cancer: first results from the moving beyond cancer randomized trial Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2004; 96(5): 376-87.
- Shetty Vivek, Atchison Kathryn, Der-Martirosian Claudia, Wang Jianming, Belin Thomas R Determinants of surgical decisions about mandible fractures Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 2003; 61(7): 808-13.
- Davanzo Pablo, Gunderson Brent, Belin Thomas, Mintz Jim, Pataki Caroly, Ott Derek, Emley-Akanno Catherine, Montazeri Nazila, Oppenheimer Jami, Strober Michael Mood stabilizers in hospitalized children with bipolar disorder: a retrospective review Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences, 2003; 57(5): 504-10.
- Parkerton Patricia H, Smith Dean G, Belin Thomas R, Feldbau Gary A Physician performance assessment: nonequivalence of primary care measures Medical care, 2003; 41(9): 1034-47.
- Davanzo Pablo, Yue Kenneth, Thomas M Albert, Belin Thomas, Mintz Jim, Venkatraman T N, Santoro Eliana, Barnett Sarah, McCracken James Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of bipolar disorder versus intermittent explosive disorder in children and adolescents The American journal of psychiatry, 2003; 160(8): 1442-52.
- Glynn Shirley M, Asarnow Joan R, Asarnow Robert, Shetty Vivek, Elliot-Brown Karin, Black Edward, Belin Thomas R The development of acute post-traumatic stress disorder after orofacial injury: a prospective study in a large urban hospital Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 2003; 61(7): 785-92.
- Hurwitz Eric L, Morgenstern Hal, Harber Philip, Kominski Gerald F, Belin Thomas R, Yu Fei, Adams Alan H, Adams Alan H A randomized trial of medical care with and without physical therapy and chiropractic care with and without physical modalities for patients with low back pain: 6-month follow-up outcomes from the UCLA low back pain study Spine, 2002; 27(20): 2193-204.
- Unützer Jürgen, Katon Wayne, Callahan Christopher M, Williams John W, Hunkeler Enid, Harpole Linda, Hoffing Marc, Della Penna Richard D, Noël Polly Hitchcock, Lin Elizabeth H B, Areán Patricia A, Hegel Mark T, Tang Lingqi, Belin Thomas R, Oishi Sabine, Langston Christopher, Langston Christopher Collaborative care management of late-life depression in the primary care setting: a randomized controlled trial JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association, 2002; 288(22): 2836-45.
- Bastani Roshan, Berman Barbara A, Belin Thomas R, Crane Lori A, Marcus Alfred C, Nasseri Kiumarss, Herman-Shipley Nikki, Bernstein Sol, Henneman Carole E Increasing cervical cancer screening among underserved women in a large urban county health system: can it be done? What does it take? Medical care, 2002; 40(10): 891-907.
- Ganz Patricia A, Desmond Katherine A, Leedham Beth, Rowland Julia H, Meyerowitz Beth E, Belin Thomas R Quality of life in long-term, disease-free survivors of breast cancer: a follow-up study Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2002; 94(1): 39-49.
- Hurwitz Eric L, Morgenstern Hal, Harber Philip, Kominski Gerald F, Belin Thomas R, Yu Fei, Adams Alan H, Kominsky Gerald F Second Prize: The effectiveness of physical modalities among patients with low back pain randomized to chiropractic care: findings from the UCLA low back pain study Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 2002; 25(1): 10-20.
- Belin, T.R., Gjertson, D.W., and Hu, M.Y. Summarizing DNA Evidence When Relatives are Possible Suspects, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1997; 92: 706-716.
- Belin, T.R., and Rubin, D.B. A Method for Calibrating False-Match Rates in Record Linkage, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1995; 90: 694-707.
- Belin, T.R., and Rubin, D.B. The Analysis of Repeated-Measures Data on Schizophrenic Reaction Times Using Mixture Models, Statistics in Medicine, 1995; 14: 747-768.
- Belin, T.R., and Rolph, J.E. Can We Reach Consensus on Census Adjustment?, Statistical Science, 1994; 9: 486-537.
- Belin, T.R., Diffendal, G.J., Mack, S., Rubin, D.B., Schafer, J.L., Zaslavsky, A.M. Hierarchical Logistic Regression Models for Imputation of Unresolved Enumeration Status in Undercount Estimation, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1993; 88: 1149-1166.