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Interview Skill Development for PhD Students – Kristy Sherrer, Inside Higher Ed

“For a Ph.D. candidate entering the job market, the advice to simply appear confident and comfortable in an interview may seem impossible. You may be nervous to leave your program and enter the world of work in general, and the added pressure of finding a position to support yourself and possibly your family aids in the anxiety.”
Kristy Sherrer, UCLA Career Center

As a PhD student, how have you prepared for the job market?  You have spent several years in the lab working on projects, reading research articles, and writing publications, but have you actually prepared for the next step… the dreaded interview?

In her Inside Higher Ed article, UCLA’s Kristy Sherrer offers 5 keys to successful interviews.

  • Know your Skills
  • Persuasively Articulate Your Skills
  • Strengthen Your Image
  • Prepare for the Performance
  • Positive Self-Talk

Kristy highlights the importance of preparation going into an interview setting while providing examples of leveraging your skills and developing your image in a positive manner.  Treat your interview as a performance and exude a calm confidence to deliver your best.

The Career Center offers several professional development servicess specifically tailored to Biomedical & Life Science PhD students.  Check out their Spring Quarter offerings including Career Exploration, Networking Strategies, Writing Effective Cover Letters, Nailing the First Impression, and more.

View all upcoming events, including seminars, at the Graduate Programs in Bioscience Upcoming Event page or connect with other resources on our Career & Professional Development page.


Photo Credit: UCLA Newsroom