18th Annual Stem Cell Symposium

18th Annual Stem Cell Symposium

January 28, 2022

8:30am – 3:00pm

Organoids: Modeling Development, Disease and Therapies

Amander Clark, PhD

Professor & Chair, Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology,

UCLA College of Letters & Sciences 

Hans Clevers, MD, PhD

Group Leader, Developmental Biology & Stem Cell Research,

Hubrecht Institute; & University Professor,

University Utrecht and Oncode Investigator

Donald Ingber, MD, PhD

Professor, Vascular Biology; and Founding Director, Wyss Institute

for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University

Madeline Lancaster, PhD

Group Leader, Medical Research Council – Cell Biology,

Cambridge Biomedical Campus

Alice Soragni, PhD

Assistant Professor-In-Residence, Orthopaedic Surgery,

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Jeremy Sugarman, MD, MPH, MA

Professor, Bioethics & Medicine; and Deputy Director, Medicine,

Johns Hopkins University

Mark Walters, MD

Professor, Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco,

School of Medicine      – and –

Magdelena Zernicka-Goetz, PhD

Professor, Biology and Biological Engineering, Caltech  

Registration Required – https://uclastemcellsymposium.vfairs.com/

Contact – Steve Peckman – speckman@mednet.ucla.edu