2024 Decision Making Affinity Group (DMAG) symposium

2024 Decision Making Affinity Group (DMAG) symposium

June 6, 2024

12:30pm – 5:00pm


More Than Rewarding: How Do Sound and Light Cues Impact

Risky Decision Making and Motor Impulsivity?

Catherine Winstanley, PhD

Professor, Psychology, University of British Columbia

Allocating Attention for Information Gain: The Roles of Uncertainty,

Prior Knowledge, and Cognitive Costs

Jacqueline Gottlieb, PhD

Professor, Neuroscience, Zucker Institute, Columbia University

Exploring the Links Between Value-Based and Perceptual Decision

Ian Krajbich, PhD

Associate Professor, Psychology, UCLA College of Letters & Sciences   – and –

Neuronal Signals for Multi-Component Choice Options in Primate

Orbitofrontal Cortex

Wolfram Schultz, PhD

Professor, Physiology, Developmental & Neuroscience,

University of Cambridge

Contact – Alicia Izquierdo – aizquie@psych.ucla.edu

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