2024 Levine Family Center for Movement Disorders Symposium

2024 Levine Family Center for Movement Disorders Symposium

March 25, 2024

8:00am – 5:00pm

Parkinson’s Disease Research: The Next Decade

Jeff Bronstein, MD, PhD

Professor, Neurology & Molecular Toxicology; and Director, Movement

Disorders Program, David Geffen School of Medicine (DGSoM) at UCLA

Thomas Carmichael, MD, PhD

Professor & Chair, Neurology, DGSoM at UCLA

  1. Timothy Greenamyre, MD, PhD

Professor, Neurology; and Director, Pittsburgh Institute for

Neurodegenerative Disease, University of Pittsburgh

Chao Peng, PhD

Assistant Professor, Neurology, DGSoM at UCLA

William Zeiger, MD, PhD

Physician Scientist, Neurology, DGSoM at UCLA

Timothy Chang, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Neurology, DGSoM at UCLA

Andres Lozano, MD, PhD, FRCSC, FRSC, FCAHS

Professor & Chair, Neurosurgery, Michael J. Fox Foundation

for Parkinson’s Research, University of Toronto

Kathryn Cross, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor-in-Residence, Neurology, DGSoM at UCLA

Kimberly Paul, PhD

Assistant Professor-in-Residence, Neurology, DGSoM at UCLA     – and –

Adys Mendizabal, MD, MS

Assistant Professor-in-Residence, Neurology, DGSoM at UCLA

Contact – Jeff Bronstein – jbronste@mednet.ucla.edu

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