I3T Research Seminar Series: Karly Nisson & Angela Sun

I3T Research Seminar Series: Karly Nisson & Angela Sun

April 16, 2024


Uncovering a Novel Role for the Lentiviral Accessory Gene VPR

in Nucleolar Stress

Karly Nisson

Graduate Student, Molecular Biology Interdepartmental Doctoral

Program (O. Fregoso’s Lab), UCLA College of Life Sciences     – and –

Single-Cell Transcriptomes Reveal Unique CD8 T Cell Atlas Induced

by Cytomegalovirus Viremia in Kidney Transplant Recipients

Angela Sun

Graduate Student, Immunity, Microbes, and Molecular

Pathogenesis (E. Reed’s Lab), UCLA College of Life Sciences

Contact – Jillian Chopra – jchopra@mednet.ucla.edu

Website – https://medschool.ucla.edu/immunology

23-105 CHS