JCCC 2019 Signal Transduction and Therapeutic Summit
February 7, 2019
7:30am – 7:00pm
John Chute, MD/ Timothy Cloughsey, MD/
Sven De Vos, MD, PhD/ Timothy Donahue, MD/
Richard Finn, MD/ Samuel French, MD, PhD/
Edward Garon, MD, MS/ J Randolph Hecht, MD, PhD/
Sara Hurvitz, MD/ Sarah Larson, MD/
Gary Schiller, MD, FACP/ David Shackelford, PhD/
Dennis Slamon, MD, PhD/ and Michael Teitell, MD, PhD
Seating is limited, please register at https://www.evenbrite.com/e/2019-transduction-and-therapeutics-summit-registration-53798232963
Contact Nancy Presseau – npresseau@mednet.ucla.edu