JSN – Joanne and George Miller and Family Endowed Chair – Michelle Craske, Ph.D. (Host: Gina Poe)
June 23, 2020
1:00pm – 2:00pm
Joint Seminars in Neuroscience (JSN) – Ramp-Up Seminar
“Neuroscience Informed Behavioral Treatments for Anxiety and Depression”
Michelle Craske, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences; Director, Anxiety and Depression Research Center; Director, Innovative Treatment Network, UCLA Depression Grand Challenge; Associate Director, Staglin Family Music Center for Behavioral & Brain Health; Editor-in-Chief, Behaviour Research and Therapy, University of California, Los Angeles
For more information, please contact Joseph Quintero at JMQuintero@mednet.ucla.edu.
Host: Gina Poe (ginapoe@g.ucla.edu)
Seminar Registration: https://uclahs.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMoc–orTkoH9eDQxyhwCteBifPvOCxnHw9