JSN – The Arnold Scheibel Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuroscience – Astra Bryant, Ph.D., and Jiannis Taxisdis, Ph.D., (Host: Felix Schweizer)

JSN – The Arnold Scheibel Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuroscience – Astra Bryant, Ph.D., and Jiannis Taxisdis, Ph.D., (Host: Felix Schweizer)

November 3, 2020

12:00pm – 1:00pm

Joint Seminars in Neuroscience – The Arnold Scheibel Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuroscience Lecture  

Astra Bryant, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Dr. Elissa Hallem
Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics
University of California, Los Angeles  

“Neural Mechanisms Underlying Temperature-Driven Host Seeking by a Skin-Penetrating Human-Parasitic Nematode”  

Jiannis Taxidis, Ph.D., Associate Project Scientist, Laboratory of Dr. Peyman Golshani
Department of Neurology and Psychiatry
University of California, Los Angeles

“Remembering What Happened When: Emergence and Stability of Context-Specific Hippocampal Sequences Encoding Odors and Time”
 Host: Felix Schweizer (felixs@ucla.edu)  

For more information, please contact Joseph Quintero at JMQuintero@mednet.ucla.edu.

Seminar Registration: https://uclahs.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUudOqorT8tE9VkNyAQR_Z23wa5xYFjWWcU