South Campus Student Group Open House (Virtual)

South Campus Student Group Open House (Virtual)

April 28, 2021

1:30pm – 3:00pm

Do you want to learn about different student groups on South Campus?

Do you want to get more involved with your UCLA community?

Do you want to meet peers outside of your program?

Do you want to meet more senior grad students?

Do you want to build community?

Do you want to learn about professional development and outreach opportunities?

Do you have diverse interests that span your program?

Do you enjoy raffles?


If you answered yes to any of these, then come join us, April 28 from 1:30 – 3:00pm  at our inaugural Virtual Open House.  Come learn about AMEBA, AWise, the BSC, CDLS, OCDS, QTstem, SACNAS, gBSA, and the Science Policy Group!


In the first event of its kind, AMEBA and the MBI have partnered to bring together different student groups on South Campus.  Come learn about these groups during a low-stakes virtual meet and greet where you can find your niche and your community.  We’ll be raffling off four $50 Amazon gift cards.


Register here by April 27 so we can send you a zoom link. 


We look forward to seeing you there, 

AMEBA and MBI Leadership

The Association for Multi-Ethnic Bioscientists’ Advancement, AMEBA, is a graduate student group sponsored by the Graduate Programs in Bioscience (GPB) at UCLA.  The goal of AMEBA is to create an equitable environment to promote the advancement and retention of PhD students in GPB and Life Sciences. We aim to provide our members with skills & experiences, we seek to build a community, and we work to promote diversity and inclusion in the sciences via academic development, professional development and outreach.